Monday, December 14, 2020

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Shrine of Elynie Iron

And we have yet again another really difficult map, but you wouldn't know it by the grades.  Again it's all about getting the build right, which took me a while.  I started by trying to set up the usual choke points like I did in campaign and heroic, but I was having a hard time even with Wilbur, so I knew that wouldn't cut it when it came to doing Razz.

I like when the game forces you to think outside the box, and it did in this case.  I realized that no enemies ever come down the right side path, and the only enemies that use the teleporter in the lower center are the two Arachnomancers near the end.  That's when I came up with setting up two choke points in the center of the map where the paths from the two top teleporters converge.  It allowed me to build just three Wild Maguses instead of four, giving me the extra gold to get my Forest Keepers up and going with Ancient Oak Spears, which are crucial to taking down the Twilight Golems at the end.


The end result of all this theorycrafting is that no one did worse than a 'B', which just meant the hero struggled a bit more than others.  Again, no real surprises in who got what, with the sole exception of Vez'nan.  Vez'nan really struggled to control the Driders, which rather shocked me.  They have no magic resistance, so between his already good DPS and abilities I figured he wouldn't have trouble like some other heroes did with never-ending Drider chains, where one Drider kills a unit, turning it into another Drider who does the same, etc.  But yet he did.  I even had to do the map twice with him as the first time I had an accidental leak and I had the same problem both times.  Could just be bad RNG twice in a row, but as it stands, it was definitely a 'B' performance.

Final Grades

  • Eridan - B
  • Arivan - B
  • Catha - B
  • Reg'son - A
  • Prince Denas - A
  • Razz and Rags - B
  • Bravebark - A
  • Vez'nan - B
  • Xin - A
  • Phoenix - A
  • Durax - A
  • Lynn - B
  • Bruce - B
  • Lilith - B
  • Wilbur - A
  • Faustus - A

Best Choice

Wilbur returns to the top spot after a brief vacation yet again, as his ridiculous true damage DPS is just what you need on this map.  Reg'son and Phoenix both made strong cases for themselves as well.

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