Friday, May 28, 2021

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Kazan Mines Heroic

We recycle our build strategy from the campaign mode and not even the upgrade cap can slow us down.  We plowed through this one with barely an inconvenience.  I did have to rely on the Tesla coils to catch a leak during Oloch's video, but that was more due to a misplay on my part rather than him not getting the job done.  I go so bored that I decided to let Eiskalt, Murglun, and Jack O'Lantern have a go at holding back the hordes without building any of the Melting Furnaces.  Eiskalt did it without a problem - no reinforcements or Soul Impact needed.  Murglun did nearly as well, but allowed a few leaks back to the choke point.  Jack did okay, but I did have to use reinforcements and Soul Burn with him to get things done.

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