Thursday, July 1, 2021

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Northerners' Village Iron

Sooooooo close!  I was ready to give in and do the first set of grades here - not because this map is hard, but because I felt I couldn't excuse Oloch any longer and really needed to give him a 'B'.  All the other heroes easily earned their 'A's, and I was really disappointed to have our first set of grades be just to give out a single 'B'.  I was almost done writing up the blog post when I had that feeling of "Hmmm, what if I tried..." (a feeling instantly recognizable to any long time Kingdom Rush player).  And there it was - Oloch just needed a different strategy from the rest of the heroes (to account for how weak he is, naturally) and he earned his 'A'.

So that explains why you'll see him use a completely different strategy from the other heroes.  I didn't go back and change any of the other heroes to use it.  My initial strategy was working perfectly well, and I didn't feel that this new one was necessarily superior, just better for Oloch in particular.  If you're wondering about the details, the only trick on this map is keeping your elite trolls on the left side alive so you're not wasting gold replacing them that needs to go into upgrading the right side of your defense.  That's not a problem except for the Nanoq Warbears.  All other heroes didn't have a problem with them - they could tank them, DPS them down before they killed a troll, etc. - but Oloch just doesn't have the tools for it.  So I switched to a strategy of using Dark Knights to tank the bears and sent Oloch to the right side instead.

I still have a bad feeling that my first set of grades will in fact be giving Oloch a solo 'B', but I'm happy that I've forestalled it for at least one more map.

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