Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Denas' Castle Campaign

It's taken 15 maps - 45 if you count all three modes - but finally, finally, we have a worthy challenge.  This was the first - first! - time since I started this series that I felt a real challenge like I used to in Origins, and it was so very refreshing after the letdown this series has been.

I almost didn't even mind the annoying two-part nature of the map.  It's a cool gimmick the first time you play, but it gets annoying after a while.  Part one isn't nearly as challenging as part 2, and it's frustrating when you want to try out different strategies in part 2 and have to replay part 1 every single time.  This map competes for being one of the longest in the entire Kingdom Rush series, clocking in with an average time of around 23 minutes.

What makes a map a real challenge, and why does this one finally qualify?  Usually there are two aspects.  First, there needs to be some kind of challenge in figuring out the right build strategy.  There are a lot of different things that can go into that, such as what towers should be built, where they should be built, the particular upgrade order to follow, etc.  In this case the key realization is the need to place the southern choke point in part 2 further up the path where the paths converge and the build point density is greater.  Trying to build a southern choke point next to the exit with only two build points to support it just doesn't work.

Second, even once a solid build strategy is developed there still needs to be some challenge in the execution.  Again, that can take different forms in terms of reinforcement placement, hero management, spell usage, etc.  I would say this has been the missing key element in most Vengeance maps so far and why Vengeance has such a reputation for being so easy.  Yes, sometimes there is a challenge in figuring out the right build strategy, but for most maps once you have the right build strategy the map becomes self-working - at which point it doesn't really matter which hero you're using, hence the disappointment this series has brought me.  This map has the decency to keep you on your toes even once you have a solid strategy in place, mostly achieved by the random Big Bertha strikes that disable your towers.


There's not much to say in terms of impressions here.  Being the last map of the normal campaign, I've already used all the heroes quite extensively and have a good handle on them.  While I'm going to provide an actual grade list for once, I don't expect in the end to build my hero rankings from an actual GPA like I did with Origins.  First, I don't have confidence that enough remaining maps will warrant actual grades, and I worry that there won't be significant enough challenges to separate the top half of the heroes by grade (I expect the top six or seven heroes to get all 'A's).

Final Grades

  • Veruk - C
  • Asra - B
  • Oloch - C
  • Margosa - B
  • Mortemis - B
  • Tramin - B
  • Jigou - A
  • Beresad - A
  • Doom Tank SG-11 - A
  • Jun'pai - B
  • Eiskalt - A
  • Murglun - A
  • Jack O'Lantern - A
I'm not going to do a Best Choice award in this series.  It's Eiskalt.  It's always going to be Eiskalt, every time.  He's ludicrously overpowered, and I can already tell you he's going to be the top-ranked hero in the final rankings.

We'll see if any more real challenges await us in the mini-campaigns.  If you've stuck with me this far I hope you'll stick with me to the end.

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