Monday, February 28, 2022

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Into the Mountains Iron

The more I play the more disappointed I am in the way iron mode works in this game.  Iron mode just isn't fun because I don't feel like I have any real choices.  You only get two tower types, which the level is obviously designed to be completable with.  The build points you'll be using are usually fairly obvious - you're never getting that many resources in an iron mode, so you need to use the most efficient chokepoints.  In the end all you're really doing in playing an iron mode is figuring out the right upgrade order for some pre-set towers.  It almost can't be difficult by definition and it rarely is fun.

Breaking the Ice iron mode was enjoyable because they actually did something a little different - hordes of unblockable Frozen Souls alternating with hordes of Draugr with only DPS towers meant you couldn't have a normal chokepoint and there was something to figure out.  It reminded me a lot of City of Lozagon iron, which to me has been the best iron mode in the game.  But here with a barracks and a DPS tower it's just fairly obvious what you need to do.  No grades, as these kind of iron modes are all about the build, such as it is.

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