Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Ultimate Doom Ultra-Violence 100% Kills, Items, and Secrets - The Shores of Hell

Last time I actually released my single-segment run of Knee Deep in the Dead first, followed by my segmented runs.  This time it turned out to be easier to record all the segmented runs first, followed by the single-segment.  I'm still doing 100% kills, items, and secrets, but not no enemy damage because that's crazy for a single segment run of the entire episode.  There were some moments in the video I'm not proud of (like a couple of face rockets) that I wish I could have done better, but overall I'm happy enough with the finished product to post it.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Ultimate Doom Ultra-Violence 100% No Enemy Damage Walkthrough - The Shores of Hell

I'm back with another entry in my Ultimate Doom 100% no enemy damage walkthrough, this time for episode 2, The Shores of Hell.  No enemy damage was vastly easier here than in episode 1 considering there are far fewer hitscan enemies this time around.  However, episode 2 does ramp up the difficulty in that ammo is a much scarcer resource.  If you're not efficient with your ammo you're in for a world of pain, and even if you are there are still several points where you'll be hurting.  By the later maps it eases up a little bit, but never enough that you can start being careless.  I'm not the hugest fan of FPS games that emphasize ammo efficiency as a gameplay mechanic.  I'm more of a fan of the Serious Sam philosophy of "Have all the ammo you want - you're going to need it."  In any case it's still a very fun episode, and I've already discussed in the last post my first encounter with the epic final boss and how it left an impression on me.  Episode 3 will hopefully be coming a little quicker.

Kingdom Rush Alliance Impossible Hero Challenge - 15. The Eyesore Tower Heroic

This was a frustrating one.  My hope was to be able to do it with just the one hero like campaign mode, but it's just ever so slightly o...