Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Kingdom Rush Frontiers (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Temple of Saqra Campaign

If Ma'qwa Urqu Campaign was a showcase for the Mecha, then this map is doubly so.  Here we have a case where they dominate so hard that it is effectively a hero-less solution.  Seriously, I ended up leaving every hero at their spawn point for the entire map.  Just surround the enemy spawn lane with Mechas with Wasp Missiles, and between that and reinforcements they pretty much never make it to the lane split.  The Mechas take care of everything even though the level is pretty heavy on flying enemies yet again.

I was tempted to literally do a single hero-less video, where I take Bonehart and fly him into a corner where he can never use any of his abilities.  But for consistency's sake I decided to still record all 16 heroes, even if it was slightly pointless (and very tedious).

Kingdom Rush Frontiers Impossible Hero Challenge - Temple of Saqra Campaign

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