Thursday, January 19, 2023

Kingdom Rush Frontiers (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Bonesburg Iron

Iron mode turns out to be a bit of a reprieve after the challenges of campaign and heroic modes.  There was a little work here to figure out the optimal build for taking down the Abominations, which are the only real threat.  When you need high single-target damage though, you usually know to call on Crossbow Forts with Barrage.

As for our heroes, all that's asked of them here is to stall the Abominations within range of the towers so they can DPS them down.  There are no bad choices for this, so everyone gets an 'A'.  A trivial map like this is a nice palate-cleanser before the next map, Desecrated Grove, which I know is going to be a doozy.

Kingdom Rush Frontiers Impossible Hero Challenge - Bonesburg Iron 

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