Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Kingdom Rush Frontiers (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - The Sunken Citadel Iron

We have an interesting challenge for the final map of this elite campaign.  The first trick of this map is establishing a minimal "normal" build that can handle the mobs that will then allow us to save up the money we need to upgrade the Shrines of Regnos.  On both the bottom and right islands we rely on Necromancer Towers to create extra blockers for us, and then a Mecha and an Archmage respectively to provide the extra DPS we need.

The second "trick" to figuring out this map is to not upgrade the shrines just because we have the money to.  The map is designed so that a shrine will usually recharge before the next big thing you need to use it on appears.  Even three level 1 shrines can do some serious work, so we only upgrade them when we need to instantly refresh their cooldown.  In most cases we don't finally get them all to level 3 until the very end of the map when three Bloodshells appear at once.

As for the heroes, they don't have to do much on this stage, so everybody gets an 'A'.  All your hero has to do is provide a little extra blocking and/or DPS on the bottom island for the normal mobs while the shrines and Rain of Fire deal with all the major threats, and everyone does that adequately well.

Kingdom Rush Frontiers Impossible Hero Challenge - The Sunken Citadel Iron

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