Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Kingdom Rush Frontiers (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Darklight Depths Iron

At long last we come to the end of this impossible hero challenge, but sadly we end on a bit of a down note.  Iron mode attempts to be one of those "puzzle" maps, but the puzzle is a little too easy to figure out.  Being given three Dwarven Halls at the north of the map where the paths merge makes it pretty obvious that needs to be the primary chokepoint, and you quickly realize as well that the southern entrances - with one exception - only spit out Razorwings, so archers will suffice there.  There's always the problem of the Deathcoils, but again it doesn't take long to realize that they're spaced apart just about equal to your Rain of Fire cooldown, making it the choice to deal with them.

As such, we have to give all heroes 'A's for this final map, as once again all they have to do is provide a bit of chokepoint support.  Some heroes do this better than others, and with the final group of Myrmidons the weaker heroes can let some leak through the chokepoint, but by that time your Crossbow Forts are fully up and going so it's not really a problem.  You'll notice that I also try different builds with different heroes once the Mechas and Crossbow Forts are maxed out.  With some heroes I tried upgrading the Dwarven Halls to make them better blockers against the Myrmidons, while with others I built a third Mecha for more DPS.  The end result was that it doesn't matter - by that point your build is sufficient to complete the map regardless.

And with that we are complete, but this is not yet the end, my friend.  I'll start working on my final report card and retrospective and will hopefully have that out by Thursday.  I have some more things I want to do for Frontiers before moving on as well, like doing some posts for the endless modes now that they've been brought to the Steam version.  After that, I still have to go back and wrap up Vengeance with the new DLC and new hero.

Kingdom Rush Frontiers Impossible Hero Challenge - Darklight Depths Iron

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