Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Excavation Gateway Iron

At long, long last, we return to Vengeance to finish out the newest DLC that dropped while I was in the middle of my Frontiers Impossible Hero Challenge.  At first I tried to do the two at the same time and got campaign and heroic mode done for the first map, but ultimately I decided I wanted to remain focused and finish Frontiers first.  Having done that, we now return to Vengeance.

And what a disappointing return it is.  Iron mode is exactly what I remember Vengeance being compared to the other games - slow, dull, and uninteresting.  Seriously, the 6-ish minutes it takes to do this map feel like an absolute eternity of boredom.  All heroes get the job done just fine here, so 'A's all around and we move on.

Kingdom Rush Vengeance Impossible Hero Challenge - Excavation Gateway Iron

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