Monday, November 11, 2024

Kingdom Rush Alliance Impossible Hero Challenge - 12. Blighted Farmlands Campaign

This map follows in the vein of the previous iron mode in that it feels a lot more difficult than it really is.  I think a big component of maps like this is their intensity.  This one certainly brings it, being incredibly short for a campaign mode - the average completion time was around 9 minutes.  Several times new wave indicators appear just moments after the previous wave begins.  Still, I feel good I managed to get an insta-call solution for the map.  Well, mostly.  This is one of those maps where - presumably due to a bug - sometimes the new wave visuals don't appear for some waves.  I think this happens on waves with just Void Blinkers, but I'm not sure.  You still get the audio cue (a bird screeching), but sometimes it's easy to miss in the heat of combat, so for some heroes I may not have called every wave truly instantly.


This is another one of those maps where lots of practice is required to perfect both the build plan and micro.  Once you know exactly what you should be doing at any given moment most of the rest of it falls into place, as reflected by the worst grades being 'B-'s.

No real surprises here as to who gets what, although Therien does take a somewhat unusual 'B+'.  The Mindless Husks are a great counter to ranged heroes who like to hang behind your choke point.  The Glarelings they spawn get thrown right where those heroes usually stand, so either they waste their time meleeing the Glarelings or you have to move them far enough back where they can no longer reliably reach the front lines.

Final Grades

  • Vesper - B
  • Raelyn - B-
  • Nyru - B
  • Torres - B
  • Anya - B
  • Grimson - B-
  • Broden - A+
  • Therien - B+
  • Onagro - A-
  • Warhead - A
  • Lumenir - A+
  • Kosmyr - A+

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Kingdom Rush Alliance Impossible Hero Challenge - 15. The Eyesore Tower Heroic

This was a frustrating one.  My hope was to be able to do it with just the one hero like campaign mode, but it's just ever so slightly o...