Friday, November 15, 2024

Kingdom Rush Alliance Impossible Hero Challenge - 12. Blighted Farmlands Iron

We have our first really serious challenge of the game, one in which I almost broke down and pulled in the second hero, but thankfully that ended up not being necessary.  This map is just straight up hard.  The Dwarven Flamethrowers are the only tool you're given to deal with the high armor Abominations, and I've come to realize I'm just not a fan of the Flamethrower.  While I haven't run the calculations just yet, I can still tell it just doesn't hold a candle to the Tricannon - to say nothing of the fact that it can't hit the Void Blinkers, which is supremely annoying.  And while I do love the Rocket Gunners, they just are not who you ideally want to call to handle blocking something like Abominations.

This is a map where you just don't have enough resources for everything you need to do.  Ideally you'd go all-in with Gunners and Flamethrowers to deal with the Abominations, since they're generally the biggest threat, but the map is designed so that you really have to upgrade the Dune Sentinels to deal with the horde of Husks and Glarelings - you just don't have enough blocking to have regular choke points where the Flamethrowers can deal with them.

Also, I managed to make it to iron mode without complaining about this, but the build points on this map are garbage.  If there were just a couple more build points near the exits then you could probably get by with a more conventional choke point strategy, although I must say the Void Blinker timings on this map are just plain cruel, and it might not actually make a difference.


Raelyn and Torres bottom out with 'D's for this map.  While Torres has been doing better ever since he got a buff, this map exposes that he's still too much like Raelyn - slow and with poor DPS.  Letting the Vile Spawners meander down the lanes is just not a viable option on this map, as you'll get overwhelmed by their Lesser Eyes.  So having a hero who has the mobility to get to them quickly when they spawn and the DPS to take them down quickly so they can get back to dealing with other things like Abominations is key, and these two just don't have it.

Grimson and Anya come in with a rather unsurprising 'C-' and 'C+' respectively.  While they have the mobility, they lack the DPS unfortunately.  Onagro earns a very uncharacteristic 'C+' for the opposite reason - he has the DPS, but not the mobility, making dealing with the Spawners very tricky indeed.  Even Warhead pulls in a 'C', as again his DPS - especially against the high armor Abominations - is just lacking.

But the biggest surprise of all is Kosmyr earning a 'B+'.  While he has good DPS, his inability to block the Spawners is a huge liability.  Lumenir doesn't suffer this fate because her hero spell adeptly stuns the Spawners while also dealing massive damage to them, so the lack of blocking isn't nearly as big a problem.  For similar reasons Broden earns the highest grade with an 'A', as his hero spell can very swiftly take down the Spawners.

Final Grades

  • Vesper - B-
  • Raelyn - D
  • Nyru - B
  • Torres - D
  • Anya - C+
  • Grimson - C-
  • Broden - A
  • Therien - B-
  • Onagro - C+
  • Warhead - C
  • Lumenir - A-
  • Kosmyr - B+

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