Friday, January 3, 2025

Kingdom Rush Alliance Impossible Hero Challenge - 13. Desecrated Temple Iron

We finish out this map with a rather fun iron mode.  It's still challenging, don't get me wrong, but it definitely has that indefinable quality that makes it a fun challenge instead of a frustrating one.

Part of what makes it interesting is that it's just constant chaos.  There's no hope of building a conventional choke point here, so it's very much a catch-as-catch-can experience.  This breaks up the monotony of normal maps where there's generally a consistent flow of the map from hero to hero.

Besides not having choke points, you're relying hard on the Darkray Towers to do the vast majority of the work.  But due to the chaotic nature of the map there's so much RNG in using them - do you get lucky when they do their final big laser attack that wipes out a whole lane of enemies, or does it get wasted on a single Glareling?


The grades are fairly good here, with everyone getting 'A's and 'B's with the lone exception of Onagro.  Onagro's kit is decent, but his lack of mobility coupled with an inability to block is just a crippling flaw that keeps dragging down his grades.  I haven't done any calculations yet, but I'm certain he will finish in the bottom half at this point, and possibly uncomfortably close to last place.  Here's hoping that maybe he finds some redemption in some of the elite campaigns.

Final Grades

  • Vesper - B-
  • Raelyn - B-
  • Nyru - B
  • Torres - B-
  • Anya - B-
  • Grimson - A-
  • Broden - A+
  • Therien - A
  • Onagro - C+
  • Warhead - B
  • Lumenir - A-
  • Kosmyr - A-

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Kingdom Rush Alliance Impossible Hero Challenge - 15. The Eyesore Tower Heroic

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