Monday, July 27, 2020

Kingdom Rush Frontiers (Steam) Veteran Walkthrough

As mentioned, I now have the tower defense bug again, so I'm now doing a series on the sequel to Kingdom Rush - Kingdom Rush Frontiers.  Again, the goal is to 100% veteran difficulty (with no lives lost in campaign mode).

I really like this game as a sequel.  Since it plays almost identically to the original Kingdom Rush, in one sense it's just more of the same - which is a good thing since the first game was excellent.  But there are some welcome changes as well.  I love the new hero system, where heroes have permanent levels - no more babysitting heroes through their first few levels on a map waiting for them to actually get good.  In general I love the new specialist towers as well, although a few leave me longing for original KR towers instead (I'm looking at you, templars).  I didn't love the campaign as much as the original campaign, but I really like the bonus levels.  And it's clear the designers went out of their way to be creative with new enemies.  No more "this is just like the last enemy but with a bit more life, damage, and armor" - these enemies are designed with special abilities that you have to plan carefully for.  A few are just unfair (*cough*Saurian Deathcoils*cough*), but most make the game challenging without being too frustrating.  Bottom line, if you liked the original KR, you should invest in this game as well.  In any case, here's the gameplay guide, and here's the playlist:

Kingdom Rush Frontiers Veteran Mode Walkthrough

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