Thursday, August 27, 2020

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Walkthrough

Having finished the campaign in Veteran mode, I unlocked Impossible mode, so now the goal is to go back and redo all the campaign maps, followed by the bonus maps, in Impossible mode.

For the original campaign maps the increase in difficulty seemed only incremental to me.  I largely was able to use the strategies I used in Veteran mode, with some modifications for my increased experience with the game, and didn't have too much trouble.  Of course, at this point I'm doing every map with all upgrades and access to all the heroes, so that is a pretty big power jump on my part as well.

I really liked the bonus levels in this game.  They had (for me, anyways) just the right amount of difficulty - challenging enough where I really had to think and work on them, but not so much that it became frustrating and un-fun (I'm still bitter about Nightfang Swale iron in the original Kingdom Rush).

I must say I have loved this game and it definitely is the best of the series so far.  I'm excited that Kingdom Rush Vengeance will be on Steam soon, and hoping it will continue the upward trend of excellence.  In the meantime, here's the playlist:

Kingdom Rush Origins Impossible Mode Walkthrough

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