Thursday, November 5, 2020

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - The Crystal Lake Campaign

I feel a little silly now when I said in my mid-term report card post that I hoped we were past trivial maps.  The fact is campaign mode is always going to be on the easy side.  For one, obviously heroic and iron are designed to be more difficult, and two, you always have access to all upgrades in campaign mode, which lowers the difficulty even more on earlier maps where heroic and iron mode have upgrade level restrictions.

And thus we have another easy A map, where despite the constant stream of Bandersnatches all of our heroes do well in taking them down.  Reg'son earns an honorary Best Choice award, as Vindicator obviously makes the Bandersnatches largely a non-issue.  Also, don't forget that each hit of Eldritch Blade has a 3% chance (fully upgraded) to instant-kill a target.  Over ten hits that's approximately a 26% chance to get one.  I happened to get amazing RNG in my video of him in a section where there are back-to-back Bandersnatches.  I killed the first with Vindicator, and the second one was insta-killed by the first hit of Eldritch Blade.  My troops got to kick back and relax for a good while.

Anyways we press on, and I know heroic and iron modes on this map will give us a descent challenge.

Kingdom Rush Origins Impossible Hero Challenge - The Crystal Lake Campaign

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