Monday, April 19, 2021

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Duskwood Outpost Heroic

I like to blog about the process of making these videos because it definitely is a process, and sometimes feels like a rollercoaster.  So like previous maps I've adopted the strategy of starting with Razz and Rags because they are hands down the worst hero in the game.  I got stuck for quite some time and was beginning to feel Beheader's Seat iron-like levels of frustration and despair.  However, this is just one of those maps where you've got to find the exact right build to make things work.  It's still challenging even if you do, but once I found the key I was able to plow right through making all the videos.  I probably spent five to six hours working with Razz to find the build, but once I did I got all other fifteen videos done in less than two.


They're just aren't too many surprises anymore at this stage of this project, so most of the grades are about what you would expect.  The one pleasant surprise is that Bravebark redeemed himself from his 'C' on campaign mode, jumping back up to his usual 'A'.  I'm not entirely sure what the difference was, since as usual the heroic mode is very similar to the campaign mode, but I did notice that his Branchball cooldown did seem to time nicely with the appearance of the Twilight Avengers and Twilight Heretics, which of course helps greatly.

Our other 'C' student from campaign mode, Xin, also redeemed himself - at least to a 'B', which is pretty standard for him.  Other than that due to the increased difficulty of heroic mode a lot of heroes dropped from 'B's to 'C's, but just the usual suspects.

Final Grades

  • Eridan - C
  • Arivan - C
  • Catha - C
  • Reg'son - A
  • Prince Denas - C
  • Razz and Rags - C
  • Bravebark - A
  • Vez'nan - A
  • Xin - B
  • Phoenix - A
  • Durax - A
  • Lynn - B
  • Bruce - B
  • Lilith - A
  • Wilbur - A
  • Faustus - A

Best Choice

Phoenix and Wilbur share the top spot once again.  Reg'son still does very well on this map, earning an 'A', but you have to micro him extremely well so his performance just isn't as smooth as the other two, costing him the Best Choice award.

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