Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Duskwood Outpost Iron

This map could have ended up being an ordeal like heroic mode was, but thankfully I managed to stumble upon the right solution fairly early.  I'm not sure what possessed me to try, since I don't think I've ever gone with Forest Keepers solo in a map before, but with Ancient Oak Spears they are the way to go on this map, carrying it all the way home.


This mode really wasn't that hard - especially compared to heroic - so the grades ended up being very comparable to campaign mode.  I ended up downgrading Bravebark to a 'C' again, unfortunately.  I just don't know if it's the armored enemies or what, but he really struggles against Twilight Elves.  While Xin got a 'B' here, at least Razz and Rags do keep him company in the 'C' squad.

Final Grades

  • Eridan - C
  • Arivan - C
  • Catha - C
  • Reg'son - A
  • Prince Denas - C
  • Razz and Rags - C
  • Bravebark - A
  • Vez'nan - A
  • Xin - B
  • Phoenix - A
  • Durax - A
  • Lynn - B
  • Bruce - B
  • Lilith - A
  • Wilbur - A
  • Faustus - A

Best Choice

Phoenix and Wilbur again take the top spot, but I let Vez'nan join them for a rare Best Choice on his part.  His magic damage against Harassers and Avengers, his ability to teleport and support both lanes, and his amazingly useful hero spell all combine to make this a map extremely suited to his talents.

I can't tell you how psyched I am to be this close to the finish line.  One more map to go!  I'm a little worried, because I remember the boss being quite the challenge to take down when I did this previously, but after Beheader's Seat iron and heroic mode here, I have every confidence that I'm going to finish this challenge with no 'F's given.  I hope you'll join me for the final entries and the retrospective.

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Kingdom Rush Alliance Impossible Hero Challenge - 8. Carmine Mines Iron

I know I've complained about iron modes already in this series, but this one honestly made me mad.  Talk about a completely pointless wa...