Friday, June 11, 2021

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Bolgur's Throne Iron

Nope, not yet.  After heroic mode I had hopes that maybe this was the one, but while again there was the faintest of challenges, all heroes did 'A'-worthy jobs.

This is the first time I've done any of the iron modes, so I was surprised to see pre-built Goblin War Zeppelins when I started the map.  Of course I don't consider it to break my "only free towers" rule, since they're provided by the game, but it was fun getting to use them.  It's a brilliant move, really, giving F2P mobile players a chance to experience the premium towers and get that "see what you're missing" feeling to prompt sales.  I feel quite sure we'll see more premium towers in future iron modes.

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