Monday, June 28, 2021

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Frozen Rapids Iron

There was just a major mistake made in the design of the iron modes for this game.  In previous Kingdom Rush games it's always worked that iron modes restrict you from using two of the four categories of tower: barracks, ranged, magic, and artillery.  But since each tower category had two specialization upgrades, you effectively had four towers to choose from when tackling the level.  This made it a bit of a puzzle, as you had to figure out which ones were most effective for the enemy mix they were going to throw at you (which usually involved some big curveballs).  Sometimes the best build strategy ended up being something out of the ordinary or a bit of a surprise, which made you feel clever when you figured it out.  But here all that's gone out the window.  This iron mode restricts you to one tower.  One.  Gee, I wonder what I'm going to need to build?  Yes, there are some pre-existing troll huts and Specters Mausoleums given to you, so you need to figure out how they fit in, but again it's painfully obvious like Northerners' Outpost iron and there's just nothing to figure out.  Throw in an enemy mix that is nothing surprising or particularly difficult and you have an iron mode that's just a chore to finish instead of a satisfying challenge.

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