Monday, September 13, 2021

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - City of Lozagon Iron

Finally we have a map that's fun and interesting.  I mean, it didn't warrant giving grades of course, because why would it, but at least I enjoyed myself while making the recordings.  It was highly reminiscent of Unseelie Court iron from Origins.  The gimmick here of course is exploiting the Feast of the Damned upgrade to be able to use Soul Impact over and over again to eliminate the sheep so your towers can largely deal with the non-sheep enemies.  You still need a setup that can handle the sheep though, which Rocket Riders plus an Orc Shaman with the Static Shock upgrade takes care of.  Like most Vengeance maps it's mostly about the build, and whatever your hero provides is just gravy, so everyone still gets an 'A'.  If you're on mobile and this is your first chance to use Orc Shamans you probably realize they're not really worth spending money on.

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