Thursday, September 2, 2021

Stronghold Hostile and Neutral Walkthrough - World 1

The CRPG Addict just finished playing Stronghold, and it really gave me the itch to play it again.  I'm not abandoning my Kingdom Rush Vengeance or Skyrim series, I just felt the need to revisit a beloved classic in the meantime.  Well, beloved to me anyway.

When I started this blog / YouTube channel, my original intent was to focus on really old games like this - mostly games from the early 90s which is when I got into PC gaming.  I had no idea I was going to get so hooked on the Kingdom Rush series which has taken the lion's share of my focus so far, but I'm happy to start working on my list of classic PC games.

Stronghold is not very long or very hard (once you master the quirks of the interface), so this will be a fairly brief diversion.  It's not a very well-remembered game, but those who do tend to remember it fondly.  It's an early form of 4X game, except the interface is pretty awful.  The part for managing buildings is okay, but managing units is a bit of a nightmare.  You can't tell individual units where to go - you have to put them in a "ready" state, then use "magnets" to attract them to locations and hope the right units travel there.  It's cumbersome to say the least.

I've decided to do a walkthrough for each of the five pre-generated worlds.  In each case I'll be playing on Hostile (the hardest difficulty) and playing a Neutral ruler, meaning I have to both achieve the rank of Emperor and destroy all enemies in order to win.  I'll do each season as a separate video, and I don't expect any of the worlds to take more than five in-game years to win.  Here is my strategy guide for the game, and here is the first playlist:

Strategy Guide

Stronghold Hostile and Neutral Walkthrough - World 1

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