Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Pond of the Sage Campaign

We again get a grade-worthy map.  This one was quite challenging - probably the hardest map to date for me to complete.  The first wave is fine, but the subsequent waves are absolutely brutal.  Waves 2-5 are the worst, and if you can survive those you probably can get the win, but even once you get a good defense up and going this map keeps you on your toes, requiring good micro play for all but the most powerful heroes.

The biggest tip I can provide that may not stand out as much as it should in the videos is to use reinforcements to separate Anurian Infusers from Anurian Wardens.  If you don't do this you'll probably fail as early as wave 2 - it's that big a deal.


I was pretty harsh with the grades on this one.  Physical damage heroes suffer the most here, as throughout this mini-campaign, largely due to the large number of Wardens.  They're inability to put out good DPS against these units leaves them struggling to clear the field before a new wave arrives.  You might think they can make it up against the Erudites and Channelers, but no hero can survive going toe-to-toe against the waves of Erudites here for long.

Along those lines Veruk obviously picks up a 'C'.  Tramin unsurprisingly joins him, but the real shock here was me giving 'C's to Jigou and Jun'pai.  Jigou especially struggled on this map, which is the first time I've ever had to say that about him.  Margosa's self-healing abilities mitigated the DPS problems other heroes had, so she managed a 'B' instead.

Despite doing magic damage, Oloch's overall low DPS made finishing with him difficult as well, so he rounded out the 'C' crew.  Not surprising anyone, the dragons and Doom Tank all managed 'A's, with all the rest falling in the middle with 'B's.

Final Grades

  • Veruk - C
  • Asra - B
  • Oloch - C
  • Margosa - B
  • Mortemis - B
  • Tramin - C
  • Jigou - C
  • Beresad - A
  • Doom Tank SG-11 - A
  • Jun'pai - C
  • Eiskalt - A
  • Murglun - A
  • Jack O'Lantern - B

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