Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Breaking the Ice Iron

This was a fun "horde" map, facing off against never-ending streams of Draugr and Frozen Souls.  As with the campaign and heroic mode, a key component is making sure you have a strong blocking chokepoint with the magical DPS behind it so as to stop the Draugr and let the Frozen Souls through.  Also important is the realization that Rocket Riders can damage the Frozen Souls some.  The Frozen Souls do not have physical damage immunity - they just have 100% armor, and thus 100% damage reduction against physical DPS.  However, since artillery ignores a percentage of armor, some damage does get through.  It may not seem like much, but the little extra damage really makes a difference in the Infernal Mages being able to finish them off.

Once again this map is really all about build strategy.  Even low DPS heroes like Veruk and Oloch can deal with Draugr and Frozen Souls respectively, so it's just a matter of putting your hero where they will make the most difference at the moment.  As such, I'm forgoing grades on this one.

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