I'm pretty sure Ironhide deliberately made Goblirangs a bad tower just so they would have an excuse to use them in iron modes. How else do you account for how often they appear in these? I certainly have never used them outside of an iron mode...that I remember.
I like this map because, even once you know the strategy, it's not a straightforward process. Instead, it's all about where the hotspot is on the field due to your hero's strengths and weaknesses and devoting resources - whether reinforcements or upgrades - there. It keeps you on your toes and makes for an engaging and challenging experience for all but the most OP heroes.
Final Grades
- Veruk - B
- Asra - C
- Oloch - C
- Margosa - A
- Mortemis - B
- Tramin - A
- Jigou - B
- Beresad - A
- Doom Tank SG-11 - A
- Jun'pai - A
- Eiskalt - A
- Murglun - A
- Jack O'Lantern - B
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