Monday, April 25, 2022

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - City of Rivers Iron

I was angry / worried when I first tried this map out, because it gave me PTSD flashbacks to Ancient Ghosts iron.  What do you do when they give you an iron mode that certain heroes just aren't qualified for?  Thankfully it turned out to be possible to win with those heroes anyway.  Despite the unique nature of this challenge though I can't say I particularly enjoyed it.


The issue here of course is that the Carnival Dragons can't be blocked, so melee-only heroes can't damage them normally - that's Veruk, Margosa, and Jigou.  Margosa's bat can attack the dragons, so she can at least provide a consistent additional DPS with it.  The bat has a pretty good attack, so I didn't have to give her worse than a 'B'.  Jigou can use his Ice Ball against the dragons, and it has the benefit of doing both area damage and having a short cooldown, so he can contribute fairly well.  In addition, his Earth Slam ability can affect the dragons as well (the game seems to be wildly inconsistent about what AoE abilities can affect the dragons though), so he also gets a 'B'.

And then there's Veruk.  Literally the only thing he can contribute is his hero spell, since the goblins have a ranged attack.  It's not much at all, but it does make a difference over the course of the map - enough to keep him out of 'D' territory, at least.  Although I will say a surprising factor in how well this map goes is how often you get Demon Lords when you spawn reinforcements, since they have an AoE ranged attack that is highly effective.  Over the course of the map, which takes 4.5 to 5 minutes, I would think the law of large numbers would apply, but it could be that I just happened to get an above average number of Demon Lords that helped him out.

Final Grades

  • Veruk - C
  • Asra - B
  • Oloch - B
  • Margosa - B
  • Mortemis - B
  • Tramin - A
  • Jigou - B
  • Beresad - B
  • Doom Tank SG-11 - A
  • Jun'pai - B
  • Eiskalt - A
  • Murglun - A
  • Jack O'Lantern - A

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