Thursday, August 11, 2022

Kingdom Rush Frontiers (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Nazeru's Gates Iron

We finish up the final map of the first third of the campaign (the desert levels) here.  Unfortunately there's still no real challenge.  However, maybe I'm flattering myself, but I feel like I can tell the difference between this kind of easy and Vengeance's kind of easy.  Here I feel like I'm just experiencing the lack of an Impossible difficulty, whereas in Vengeance even though it had an Impossible difficulty the game was just plain designed to be easier.

Normally when we finish a section of the game I would do a mid-term report card, but so far we've only had one graded map, and that was just for the purpose of giving Dierdre a 'B', so there really isn't much to reflect on at this point.  We head on to the jungle levels, and if memory serves me from when I did my walkthrough series, there should be some good challenges for us there worthy of grades.

Kingdom Rush Frontiers Impossible Hero Challenge - Nazeru's Gates Iron

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