Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Kingdom Rush Frontiers (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Hammerhold Campaign

I had always intended to do an Impossible Hero Challenge for Kingdom Rush Frontiers now that I've done both Origins and Vengeance, but honestly I saw myself taking a break for a while before getting into it.  Between Origins and Vengeance I've been working on Impossible Hero Challenges for about two years now I think, and after the disappointment that was Vengeance, I just didn't see myself having the enthusiasm to jump straight into Frontiers.

I'm not going to lie, I was getting pretty burnt out by the time I got close to the end of my Vengeance challenge.  Having to give Oloch the first ever 'F' on Ancient Ghosts Iron was a big blow to me, and then having to redo the entire game with Dianyun got pretty tedious.  He's a powerful hero and the whole main campaign is so trivial that it became an exercise in making myself do it and stay awake.

But the other day I was just craving some more Kingdom Rush action, so I thought I would fire up Frontiers and just give the first level a whirl.  Before I knew it, I had the first two maps done and my enthusiasm was back, so we're just going to jump right into a Frontiers Impossible Hero Challenge after all.

A few notes are in order.  First, I hesitated on the name for this challenge.  When I started with Origins, I called it an Impossible Hero Challenge for a couple of reasons.  For one, the whole idea seemed impossible to do.  It would involve making over 1,000 videos, which is a little crazy, and it was also "impossible" from the standpoint of being able to complete every single map with every single hero, which when I began I wasn't sure I could do (but thankfully I did).  But the other part of it was the fact that I was playing on Impossible difficulty.  Frontiers does not have an Impossible difficulty, Veteran being the highest, so I worried the name "Impossible Hero Challenge" wouldn't be appropriate here.  But I've decided to stick with it anyway, since the first reason for calling it impossible still stands at least.

I'm interested to see how this one plays out.  Frontiers is a very good game, and by consensus on the Kingdom Rush subreddit it seems to be the most popular of the series, so I'm not worried about flaws in the game dragging me down like Vengeance's flaws did.  However, heroes were less important in the first two games.  It was really in Origins I feel that heroes started to have a much more important role in your overall strategy and played a bigger part in whether you won or lost (the introduction of hero spells played a large role in that).  I feel hero power in Frontiers is much less than in later games, and as such we might struggle to really differentiate their power levels.  I mean, I know Bonehart is going to come out on top as the best hero, let's just get that out of the way right now, but am I going to be able to determine if Captain Blackthorne is better than Kutsao, for instance.  Complicating this is the fact that Frontiers has some pretty OP towers with things like the Mecha and Necromancer that can hide hero flaws.  To pull out a cliché, only time will tell.

We start at the beginning as always for completeness' sake, and of course there's no grades to be handed out here.  As with Origins and Vengeance the first few maps will be trivial for all heroes.  Let's hope it doesn't take nearly as long as it did with Vengeance for things to become challenging.

I'm going to do what I did with Vengeance and take a stab at an initial ranking of the heroes, so on the final report card we can go back and see how accurate I was:

  1. Bonehart
  2. Ashbite
  3. Alric
  4. Saitam
  5. Bruxa
  6. Dante
  7. Grawl
  8. Sha'tra
  9. Khaz
  10. Karkinos
  11. Kutsao
  12. Captain Blackthorne
  13. Nivus
  14. Mirage
  15. Cronan
  16. Dierdre
I'll just say that while I was pretty confident in my initial rankings for Vengeance (and turned out to be very accurate), I have much less confidence in these rankings.  I do feel confident that I have the top and bottom heroes - Bonehart and Dierdre - correct, but in between it's honestly anyone's game.

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