Thursday, October 27, 2022

Kingdom Rush Frontiers (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Port Tortuga Campaign

We finally arrive at the bonus campaigns, and they do a good job of dialing up both the challenge and the fun.  The Greenfins and Redspines introduced here aren't much to worry about, but the major unit introduced is the Blacksurge.  In a top 10 list for most annoying enemy in the whole Kingdom Rush franchise, these guys certainly make a play for the top spot.  Really though it's just about adjusting build strategy accordingly.  These guys beg you to use Mechas, since disabling the Mecha tower doesn't actually prevent the Mecha from firing.  And of course we're all about the Mecha spam already, so we just dial up that for our solution.  The other annoying thing about them is their ability to become damage immune and regenerate, but you just have to accept that - absent an insta-kill solution - you just have to wait until they get close enough to the exit that they can't use that ability anymore and let your final chokepoint take them down.

The only other subtlety to this map is figuring out the build order.  Because of the second exit lane at the bottom, it makes most sense to set up a chokepoint for the first half of the map at the bridge, so that the Mechas there can take on all enemies regardless of which lane they're on.  Afterwards we set up a second chokepoint at the east exit to handle the enemies that start coming from the northwest sea lane.

The only other point of importance is that it turns out it's better to build Mechas but not give them Wasp Missiles right away.  Due to the dynamics of the map, it just plays much better getting multiple Mechas up as soon as possible and adding missiles later.

As with most Mecha-spam solutions, we don't ask a lot of our heroes.  As such it's mostly 'A's across the board.  The lone exception is Mirage.  Her low DPS just means that there's more pressure on the chokepoint, which means she allows a few leaks that have to be cleaned up.  She still does fine, but just not as smoothly as the other heroes, and that is the definition of a 'B'.

Kingdom Rush Frontiers Impossible Hero Challenge - Port Tortuga Campaign

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