Friday, October 21, 2022

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Excavation Gateway Heroic

We continue on to heroic mode, which I feel is actually a step up in difficulty from campaign mode - not something I've been able to say all that often in Vengeance.  Still, once the build is perfected micro has a bigger impact on the final result than the heroes.


The grades decline slightly compared to campaign mode.  Even more so than campaign mode, a key ingredient here for the heroes is having the DPS to swiftly take down the Velociraptors.  They come quickly one after another, so it's key to take one down before the next one arrives - and it also minimizes the chance that they can kill a blocker and lay an egg.  Sadly Asra and Oloch come up short in that regard, and this map really highlights their lack of DPS, so they get 'C's.  Veruk's DPS is nothing great either, but his superior blocking and stalling ability at least earn him a 'B'.

Besides our mobile-free trio, the only other non-'A' is a surprising 'B' from Margosa.  While she certainly has the DPS we're looking for, what makes her performance lack the smoothness we look for in 'A's is the fact that her hero spell can't help with the other exit lane.  There really isn't much time or opportunity for heroes to lane-dance on this map, as usually both chokepoints are under assault at the same time, so hero spells which can help out the other chokepoint turn out to be fairly important - even the underwhelming ones like Jigou's.  Margosa is very much a "Me, myself, and I" kind of character, and normally that's not a problem, but here it does cost her a grade.

Final Grades

  • Veruk - B
  • Asra - C
  • Oloch - C
  • Margosa - B
  • Mortemis - A
  • Tramin - A
  • Jigou - A
  • Beresad - A
  • Doom Tank SG-11 - A
  • Jun'pai - A
  • Eiskalt - A
  • Murglun - A
  • Dianyun - A
  • Jack O'Lantern - A

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