Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Kingdom Rush Frontiers (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Storm Atoll Iron

Things get a little trickier for iron mode, as they should.  The subtlety that had to be figured out here is that it's best to start with a Necromancer tower at the main exit to provide both good DPS as well as blocking.  However, once the Assassins have been fully upgraded, it's best to tear down the Necromancer tower and build an Archmage tower for better overall DPS.  It really helps with the Bloodshells at the end.

Speaking of the end, things get a little dicey for sure.  How hard it is depends on how many Bloodshells are still up (if RNG isn't giving your Assassins the insta-kills you need) when the final Bluegale arrives.  If the Bluegale gets there quick and gets a storm going over your Assassins while you still have three Bloodshells things can go south fast.


This wasn't a horribly hard map, but it did stretch the weaker heroes a bit.  As such, Mirage, Dierdre, and Kutsao earn 'B's, as there were moments where I had to work to keep things contained with them.  Kahz earns another 'B' for the same reasons as last time - this is just not a good map for him to be charging around randomly.  All other heroes do fine and earn 'A's.

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