Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Road Ahead 2

I did an original Road Ahead post way back in 2020 as a way to put my thoughts down on the games I wanted to do for my YouTube channel in the future.  Since that time my channel has largely been dedicated to the Kingdom Rush series as well as Skyrim.  I've gotten a few smaller games in here and there, but those two have definitely consumed the lion's share of my time.

Having just completed adding Grosh to my Kingdom Rush Vengeance Impossible Hero Challenge, I'm getting very near to the end of Kingdom Rush-related content that I want to do.  I'm getting out some challenges a user sent me a while back, but after that I think I'm going to be done.

I've debated over the years whether to do an Impossible Hero Challenge for the original Kingdom Rush, but I think I've decided against it.  It's just a very different game from the later KR titles, at least in terms of how heroes work.  They're far more minor than in later games.  In fact they didn't even exist when Kingdom Rush first released, so the game wasn't even balanced around them.  And just to be honest, having done three of them now, I just don't know that I have another 1,000+ video Kingdom Rush series in me.

Some users have also asked if I'm going to play the mods that have started coming out for games in the series.  Again, after consideration I don't think I'm going to.  My vision for my channel has always been to focus on 100% walkthroughs of games.  I feel like my Impossible Hero Challenges fall under that umbrella, but I feel getting into modded content would start moving me away from that.  Yes, I've done several challenge videos for Kingdom Rush over the last year or so which don't really fit that vision, but I did them because 1) they were quick and easy to do, 2) it was a nice change of pace from whatever I was working on at the time, and 3) they generally prove to be fairly popular videos, which has helped grow my channel.  But I worry I could get lost in the weeds for months or longer if I get into the KR modding scene.

So then what is next?  Well, based on my best estimates I'm pretty sure I still have 1-2 years left to complete my Skyrim 100% Maximized Legendary Playthrough, so that will remain a constant for a while.  So it's really about what I can add in that doesn't compromise my release schedule for that series.

I can tell you though that my initial focus will be finishing up projects I've started but haven't completed, as I hate having loose threads hanging around.  That means I'll be finishing my Ultimate Doom and Stronghold series, and yes, if you've been with me for a very long time, I will be at last returning to my Baldur's Gate playthrough.  BG3 just launched, so maybe I can capitalize on resurgent nostalgia for the old games :).  However, I'll let you know now that I'm actually going to reboot that playthrough since it's been so long.

After that I still have all the games I put down in my initial Road Ahead post, plus several others that I've added since then.  I do want to return to my original idea for the channel which is to cover games from the 90s when I first got into gaming.  I'm not 100% sure what the first one will be once I get caught up with all my existing series, but I hope you'll stick around with me to find out.

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Kingdom Rush Alliance Impossible Hero Challenge - 15. The Eyesore Tower Heroic

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