Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Ultimate Doom Ultra-Violence 100% No Enemy Damage Walkthrough - Inferno

Well it took over a year, but I finally returned to my Ultimate Doom no enemy damage walkthrough.  Today I'm starting to publish the videos for episode 3, Inferno.  I was serious about what I said in my Road Ahead post, where I really want to clean up the loose ends of games I've started but not completed.  Now that I'm finally after years able to take a break from Kingdom Rush content, this is the sort of stuff that will replace it in the meantime.  Once the update for Frontiers comes out I'll of course be doing content for it, but so far there's no release date set for it.

I love the Inferno episode, and it's really only extreme nostalgia for that first time I played the shareware version of Knee Deep in the Dead that keeps it from being my favorite of the three original episodes.  I love that it starts no holds barred and just throws two Cacodemons at you right away while you only have a pistol.  The first two maps are extreme challenges in terms of ammo management, and if you're not careful it's extremely easy to find yourself with nothing but your fist on Ultra Violence.  It's only after you complete map 3, Pandemonium, that things start to ease up.

The map designs here are solid, and none of them feel boring or tedious.  The only real disappointment is the final boss.  As I've said in the past, the Spiderdemon really should have been the boss for The Shores of Hell and the Cyberdemon the boss here.  It would ruin the surprise at the end of map 9, the secret map, of course, but the Cyberdemon is just so much more epic and challenging than the Spiderdemon.  Partly it has to do with the design of the final level.  The wide-open nature of the map combined with the hit-scan weapon of the boss mean you're forced to take cover at the central building, but from there it's just too easy to hide inside and take pot shots with the BFG from cover without any real danger.

As I've done with the first two episodes, I'll follow this up with a single-segment 100% run of the episode as well, then I'll be moving on to the fourth episode, Thy Flesh Consumed.  I'm excited for it, as I've never played Ultimate Doom before but just the original Doom that only had the first three episodes, so this will be brand new content for me.

Ultimate Doom Ultra-Violence 100% No Enemy Damage Walkthrough

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