Monday, September 25, 2023

Ultimate Doom Ultra-Violence 100% Kills, Items, and Secrets - Inferno

As promised, here is the single-segment run of Inferno to complement my segmented no enemy damage videos.  We're still doing 100% kills, items, and secrets for each level though.

This one took longer than I would care to admit to pull together.  It's not that it's that hard of an episode, but rather I kept doing dumb stuff to ruin my 100% of each level.  In Slough of Despair, for some reason I totally forgot about one Cacodemon that's kind of off in a corner by itself for a few runs.  I kept wondering why I was only getting 97% kills, and kept thinking that a Lost Soul must be escaping my notice or getting lost in the map somewhere.  I had to go back and carefully watch my segmented run to find out what I was missing.

I felt plenty stupid when I found my error, and then I made the mistake of getting impatient and going too fast to try to make up for the time I lost doing failed runs.  That led to handful of more runs where I missed 100% by rushing and being careless.

But ultimately I finished and here's the result.  I'm psyched to get into episode four, Thy Flesh Consumed, as it will be my first new Doom content in probably about 25 years.

Ultimate Doom Ultra-Violence 100% Kills, Items, and Secrets - Inferno

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