Monday, July 19, 2021

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Dragons' Boneyard Iron

So this was an easy one, but at least it was a fun easy one.  It gave a lot of the heroes a chance to really shine in showing how well they can hold back endless waves of mobs:

  • I've really come to appreciate the power of Asra's Spider Bite ability.  At first it seems kind of weak - other heroes past and present have had insta-kill abilities, but since this one is a guaranteed kill but not instant, it would seem to be weaker by comparison.  However, the problem with other heroes' insta-kills is that it's often very hard to control when they go off.  If you really need to control it, it often means pulling them out of battle altogether so they don't accidentally use it on the wrong mob, which of course weakens your DPS.  But Asra has three things going for her ability: 1) it's only applied in melee, so since she's a ranged character you can precisely control when it gets used, 2) her Shadow Dance ability means that as soon as the proper enemy appears, she can teleport, apply it, and teleport back, so that the enemy is probably dead by the time it gets to your chokepoint, and 3), Shield of Shadows insures she doesn't take any damage while doing it.
  • Margosa started out completely soloing the Dragur stream on the left, and ultimately only needed serious support towards the end where the numbers get ridiculous.
  • Every time things started looking a little dicey for Jigou, Earth Slam would come off cooldown and he would simply stomp the mass of mobs to death.
  • Beresad like Margosa took on the left side with only reinforcement support.  The ridiculous extra gold he made from killing countless Draugr made building up the right side a total breeze.
  • All the dragons did well, of course, but Eiskalt completely soloed the left side with no support whatsoever - not even reinforcements.  I was pretty much expecting this, but it was still gratifying to see his power in action.

Kingdom Rush Vengeance Impossible Hero Challenge - Dragons' Boneyard Iron

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