Thursday, April 14, 2022

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Ancient Gate Heroic

After a good run of heroic modes we return to a rather blah one that feels like just a condensed version of the campaign mode.  All the same lessons and strategies apply here, except you do need to use some barracks to deal with the Mogwai rush wave.  Certainly things can still go crossways on you with some really bad RNG, but coming off campaign mode it feels like a step down in difficulty.


No different than campaign mode, your hero just needs to provide a little chokepoint support, which everyone does adequately.  As such, the grades are identical to campaign mode.

Final Grades

  • Veruk - B
  • Asra - B
  • Oloch -B
  • Margosa - A
  • Mortemis - A
  • Tramin - A
  • Jigou - A
  • Beresad - A
  • Doom Tank SG-11 - A
  • Jun'pai - A
  • Eiskalt - A
  • Murglun - A
  • Jack O'Lantern - A

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