Thursday, May 5, 2022

Ultimate Doom Ultra-Violence 100% Kills, Items, and Secrets - Knee Deep in the Dead

I put Doom on my list on my Road Ahead blog post many months ago.  While I'm still chugging along on my Kingdom Rush Vengeance Impossible Hero Challenge and Skyrim 100% Maximized Playthrough, lately I've been getting that itch for something a little different, and Doom fit the bill.

I have so many fond memories of this game.  I remember playing the shareware version in my dorm room on my roommate's computer in January 1993 after coming back from winter break.  I'd played Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny before, but this was a huge leap forward for FPS games.  If you know anything at all about FPS games, you probably are aware of Doom's legacy, so I won't belabor it here, but between "will it run Doom?" memes and the fact that the franchise is still going strong with Doom Eternal, the original Doom's effect cannot be understated.

Someone in our friend circle got the full version at some point, and I played the entire game.  Everyone who plays video games has those special memories and moments from certain games that just stick with you.  For me, one of them is getting to the end of The Shores of Hell and facing the Cyberdemon for the first time.  Towards the end of the episode you start coming across wall decorations of mutilated Barons of Hell:

I distinctly remember thinking, "What could do that to a Baron of Hell?", which I'm sure was the designers' intended effect.  Then I got to the last level, and at first all I can hear is the footsteps - heavy, mechanical footsteps.  Then I see him, and when he shot the first rocket at me I might have wet my pants a little.  He was using a rocket launcher!  That was my weapon, and he was using it against me!  I truly was terrified of him.  He really should have been the final boss of the game in my opinion, as the Spider Mastermind just didn't have the same effect for me.

We soon were playing deathmatches long into the wee hours of the morning, connecting two computers together primitively through serial ports.  When Doom 2 came out I naturally played it as well.  At that point we had access to a proper computer lab with ethernet-linked PCs, and we reveled in four player deathmatches.  It was a glorious time.

Doom games since then have passed me by, but getting started on this has made me want to revisit the entire series.  I've also been watching a lot of Under the Mayo's Doom Eternal videos lately as well, which has piqued my interest in that game.  In any case it will be a long time before we get to all that.

This is a single-segment run of episode 1, Knee Deep in the Dead, getting 100% kills, items, and secrets on every level.  After this I will release segmented runs of each map where I take no enemy damage in addition to getting 100%.  Putting together the RNG for no enemy damage across the entire episode is something I just don't have the patience for.  A similar effort for episode 2 is in the works, and eventually I'll do all four episodes.

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