Thursday, October 6, 2022

Kingdom Rush Frontiers (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - The Dark Descent Campaign

The difficulty ramped up slightly on this map.  It challenges our build skills and our micro, but ultimately not our heroes.  It took a little bit of doing to find the right upgrade path to handle the flying enemies (the only real threats on the map).  You can't just Mecha-spam this one - the Dwarven Bastions need to be upgraded slightly at one point to handle the Saurian Quetzals.  Then as far as micro, there's one point in wave 8 where we have to use Rain of Fire to strategically take out a Saurian Quetzal just as it's flying over some Myrmidons.  That's the only real challenge here, and by the time we start building DWAARPs to take on the rest of the enemies it's already over.  We could have continued building more Mechas, but DWAARPs actually make things go a little faster - especially with Core Drill to take down the Saurian Brutes towards the end.

Kingdom Rush Frontiers Impossible Hero Challenge - The Dark Descent Campaign

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