Thursday, March 28, 2024

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Hammerhold Streets Iron

This is what developers do when they hate you.  It's clear that Ironhide is pissed about how everyone trashes on Vengeance as being the worst Kingdom Rush game and that it's too easy.  First they punished us with The Ancient Ghosts iron mode, which contained only units with high magic resistance.  Even though it cost me my first 'F' in any of my Impossible Hero Challenge series, it was still okay since only three heroes exclusively do magic damage, so the other heroes were mostly fine.  But here they up the ante by throwing War Elephant after War Elephant at us but giving us no towers that deal any sort of magic damage, leaving the majority of our heroes who only deal physical damage flapping in the wind.

Well, challenge accepted and defeated, Ironhide.  I managed to complete the map with every hero, avoiding any more 'F's, although it was for certain one of the hardest challenges to date in my Kingdom Rush series.

The key here is to go all-in with Arrow Storm on Elite Harassers.  While it's still physical damage, the sheer number of arrows the Harassers put out can eventually take down a War Elephant.  With virtually flawless micro and good RNG the Harassers can kill all the Elephants even if your hero is unable to contribute any damage themselves, and many of them can't.

That's the key though - virtually flawless micro AND good RNG.  The biggest part of this map is constantly moving the Harassers between the top and bottom lanes to target the Elephants.  This is almost an entire job in itself, and if you're not constantly on top of it it's a loss, since this is the only way to win with most heroes.  If your hero can't contribute damage to the Elephants, then they need to be moving around the map dealing with the other mobs to keep them from distracting the Harassers from their main job.  All in all it's probably the most intense and demanding map in the entire franchise, and how desperately I want a hotkey for changing the rally point on barracks.

But as said, even with the best micro you still need a hefty dose of RNG, and boy is that reflected in the grades.  I can't tell you how many times I lost because an Elephant escaped with less than 100 health left.  When it comes to level design there's a difference between crafting an extremely challenging map that pushes players to their absolute limits and just designing a giant middle finger to the players, and unfortunately this map is the latter.


So I checked and this is actually not the worst grades we've ever had in an Impossible Hero Challenge.  We ended up with 6 'D's, which ties the number from Beheader's Seat iron in Origins, but the rest of the grades for that map were still worse than the rest of the grades here.  Still, like Beheader's Seat iron and The Ancient Ghosts iron, this is a map that will go down in infamy to be sure.

Starting at the top, we do have six 'A's (there were only three on Beheader's Seat).  Not surprisingly the three dragons earn 'A's.  Eiskalt does true damage and Dianyun does magical damage, so they can contribute very well to taking down the Elephants.  Murglun's basic attack does physical damage, but her secondary ability Magma Blood deals true damage, so we can have her constantly hover over an Elephant, dealing damage to it while she can still use her other attacks on mobs that get near.  In addition, her hero spell can't outright kill an Elephant, but it does do massive damage to it.

Doom Tank and Jack both earn 'A's as well, as they do explosive damage which ignores half of armor.  That may not sound like much, but it does get the job done.  While Jack's DPS with Explosive Head is a lot less than Doom Tank's, his ability to teleport is priceless on this kind of map.

Finally Asra brings in the last 'A', which is certainly a rarity for her.  But her Quiver of Sorrows ability is at long last actually useful in the game, reducing the armor of Elephants to the point the Harassers can trivially bring them down.  It helps that Onyx Arrows does magical damage as well.

Surprisingly two of the three heroes who deal magic damage only earn 'B's here.  Oloch shouldn't be terribly shocking, since he is by far the worst piece of trash in any Kingdom Rush game.  Honestly though his damage against the War Elephants is okay, but what really hurts him is the fact that War Elephants preferentially target heroes when they're in range with their arrows.  With his low health pool he's constantly having to retreat from them, reducing how much he can really help.  And while Mortemis can heal himself with his basic attack, it still quite can't keep up with the Elephants' damage, so he's in a similar situation.  Combined with the fact that both of them are slow as molasses on a map where high mobility is really needed they both fall into the 'B' category.

And then we get to the physical damage heroes.  Beresad earns a 'C', saving himself from the mortal embarrassment of a dragon earning a 'D'.  His ability to at least target the War Elephants and do some damage to them combined with his hero spell which deals true damage elevate him slightly above the bottom of the barrel.

Finally we have the 'D' club, consisting of Veruk, Margosa, Tramin, Jigou, Jun'pai, and Grosh.  You would think Tramin would join Doom Tank and Jack O'Lanter due to his AoE explosive damage as well, but his basic attacks simply do not seem to make a difference here.  I feel pretty certain that Tramin is broken actually after the most recent updates.  There are multiple times when I've witnessed Rocket Barrage deal no damage to an enemy, and I wouldn't be surprised if his basic is broken too and no longer dealing explosive damage.

As for the others, they simply can contribute virtually nothing to attacking the Elephants.  Jun'pai can hit them with his basic attack and hero spell, but the damage is so small as to be completely negligible.  The only thing Veruk has is his Warmongers' ability to target them, but again the damage is so worthless they're better used against the regular mobs.  Margosa's bat deals true damage, but not enough to actually make a difference.  Finally Jigou and Grosh can only hit them with their hero spells (and Jigou's Ice Ball), but again these abilities are better saved for the other mobs.

So the only thing these heroes can do is try to take out the other mobs that appear so the Harassers have as few distractions as possible, but even doing so it still takes good RNG for them to get the win, and that is of course our definition of a 'D'.

Final Grades

  • Veruk - D
  • Asra - A
  • Oloch - B
  • Margosa - D
  • Mortemis - B
  • Tramin - D
  • Jigou - D
  • Beresad - C
  • Doom Tank SG-11 - A
  • Jun'pai - D
  • Eiskalt - A
  • Murglun - A
  • Dianyun - A
  • Jack O'Lantern - A
  • Grosh - D

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Hammerhold Streets Heroic

I'd seen some posts about this level on the KR Reddit before I took on the challenge, so I knew what to expect (not that it was exactly surprising): War Elephants on wave 4.  This one is all about managing to hang on through the first three waves while building up an offense capable of taking them down.

Unfortunately going all-in with Spectral Mausoleums is a no-go due to the Flying Carpets and Sand Mystics, and honestly we need the greater DPS / gold efficiency of Bone Flingers to survive the initial waves anyway, so it's all about the heroes' ability to hold the line in waves 1-3 and then contribute to taking down the War Elephants in waves 4-6.


The grades aren't quite as bad as campaign mode, but we still have some strugglers.  Oloch, surprising absolutely no one, earns a 'D'.  I still don't get people who defend him as a decent hero.  It's maps like this that show up Seal of Isolation as being absolute garbage.  When you're dealing with Master Assassins, using it buys you maybe a couple of seconds of respite - certainly not enough time for barracks to respawn, and on maps like this where really all you have is your chokepoint, you're not even really making enemies run through the gauntlet again for extra damage.

Asra and Margosa earn 'C's, and man has this DLC been rough on Margosa.  When I tally up the new GPAs I'm fully expecting her to fall at least one place from the initial rankings, possibly two.  The enemies here are just not suited to her strengths at all.  Besides them the rest of the non-Beresad top row earn 'B's, while it's straight 'A's on the bottom row as usual.

Final Grades

  • Veruk - B
  • Asra - C
  • Oloch - D
  • Margosa - C
  • Mortemis - B
  • Tramin - B
  • Jigou - B
  • Beresad - A
  • Doom Tank SG-11 - A
  • Jun'pai - A
  • Eiskalt - A
  • Murglun - A
  • Dianyun - A
  • Jack O'Lantern - A
  • Grosh - A

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Hammerhold Streets Campaign

We have another really good challenge here that will make you sweat and work for the win for sure.  The waves are designed to push your build to the breaking point for sure - hordes of Assassins, Djinnis, Djinnis followed by Sand Mystics, large groups of Flying Carpets, etc.  And then of course this level introduces the War Elephants - the first mini-boss we've had in a game since Cerberus in the original Kingdom Rush.  Now these things are no Cerberus - they move slow and their damage is negligible - but they still require a lot of magical damage to put down.

For all that though, this map is what I've called in the past "standard hard".  There are no particular tricks involved, it's just about putting together a solid build plan appropriate to the waves and then executing with good micro and management of Soul Impact and your hero spell.  It's just that it ratchets up the "hard" a notch or two over other maps.


The "standard hard" is reflected in the grades this time around for sure.  Our free heroes get 'C's, which is completely unsurprising, and Margosa joins them as this DLC has been particularly unsuited to her.  We have 'B's on the rest of the top row except for Beresad of course, and Jun'pai and Grosh earn 'B's on the bottom row, which again isn't surprising as they're the bottom row heroes most likely to slip from 'A's first when the difficulty gets upped.

All around the heroes performed just about as well as you would expect.  I didn't explicitly tie 'A's and 'B's to whether a hero could insta-call every wave like I have previously, but there still is a strong correlation.  I do feel Jack O'Lantern deserves a special call out here though.  His ability to teleport, drop additional blocking fodder, and do AoE explosive damage really came in clutch, and he definitely had one of the most solid performances on this map, even rivaling the dragons.

Final Grades

  • Veruk - C
  • Asra - C
  • Oloch - C
  • Margosa - C
  • Mortemis - B
  • Tramin - B
  • Jigou - B
  • Beresad - A
  • Doom Tank SG-11 - A
  • Jun'pai - B
  • Eiskalt - A
  • Murglun - A
  • Dianyun - A
  • Jack O'Lantern - A
  • Grosh - B

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - The Lost Empire Iron

It's not often that a trivial all-'A' map falls into the fun category, but we have a unicorn map here that does.  It's one of those rare instances where Ironhide does something unique and interesting with an iron mode leaving a memorable experience.  The trick here really has nothing to do with the towers (although you do technically do need a couple), instead the real strategy to this map is to start spawning mummies - even before you start the map - and then never stop until you win.  A couple of properly placed Goblin Zeppelins and your hero then can take care of the endless hordes.

Even after I figured out the trick and was getting easy wins with the bottom tier heroes, I still found myself enjoying the process.  Once I got to the better heroes it became a game of optimizing the process and seeing how far back I could push the enemies - even all the way to their spawn points.  It's very reminiscent of the solution I used on Sape Oasis, flooding the map with Skeleton Warriors.  Anyways, it was a fun experience, especially after the slog of campaign and heroic modes.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - The Lost Empire Heroic

Heroic mode this time around falls on the "challenging, but not particularly fun" end of the spectrum.  As always Djinns play the role of spoiler, rendering your carefully built chokepoint null and void by eliminating your blockers, so we go the easy route and just build Shadow Archers with insta-kills to deal with them.  From there it's just a matter of holding the line against waves of Assassins, which forms a decent challenge but is mostly an exercise in endurance.

Normally I like to try to find solutions to maps where I can insta-call every new wave, but I just didn't have it in me this time to work it out for the low end heroes.  After the slog that was campaign mode, I was ready just to finish this map and move on, so generally only the bottom row heroes call each new wave immediately.


For grading on this map I decided to only hand out 'A's to heroes where I could insta-call the waves.  That's a little misleading, as the experiences for Jun'pai and Eiskalt were quite different even though they both have 'A's.  Still, not surprisingly it's a case of our bottom row heroes getting those coveted 'A's, with the lone exception of Grosh.  With no ranged attack to help with the Magic Carpets I wasn't able to call wave 5 immediately, which sadly knocked him down to a 'B'.

Final Grades

  • Veruk - C
  • Asra - B
  • Oloch - C
  • Margosa - B
  • Mortemis - B
  • Tramin - B
  • Jigou - B
  • Beresad - A
  • Doom Tank SG-11 - A
  • Jun'pai - A
  • Eiskalt - A
  • Murglun - A
  • Dianyun - A
  • Jack O'Lantern - A
  • Grosh - B

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Kingdom Rush Vengeance (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - The Lost Empire Campaign

I apologize for the unexpected hiatus my YouTube channel and this blog have been on.  Life hit pretty hard with the beginning of the new year and I had to take a break, and then of course any time you get out of the habit of doing something it takes a lot of work to get that momentum back, but at last here we are again.

The good news is that I have a fresh enthusiasm for Kingdom Rush, because if you haven't heard already the fifth Kingdom Rush game - Kingdom Rush Alliances - has been announced.  Apparently it will return to the engine the first three games ran on, as opposed to the Vengeance engine which nobody liked as much.  Here's hoping it also returns to the spirit of the first three games as well.

While no release date has been announced, I've still got a lot to do to get ready.  I feel like I've been playing catch-up with the Kingdom Rush series for the last several years, but here I have a chance to dive into and produce content for a game at release.  First I have to finish the new Hammerhold DLC.  That shouldn't be a problem, as on my current schedule I should be publishing the final video for it on April 9th.  I also have to finish my Isfet videos to add to the Impossible Hero Challenge, but those are pretty easy to crank out.  Once I finish the DLC I should be able to publish one new map every day, which would finish that series in just a few more weeks.  I also need to do the new DLC map-specific achievements, but again that's really easy to do.

The big challenge is I need to play Legends of Kingdom Rush to make sure I'm caught up on the lore (such as it is for the Kingdom Rush series).  It's a tactics RPG, which has never exactly been a popular genre for me, but at this point I feel so committed to the Kingdom Rush series I would be remiss not to do that game.  I will do video content for it, but if I can't get it finished before KR5 launches I'm not going to let that stop me from getting into that.

But back to where we are right now, I'll admit right now that it's been nearly a month since I completed this map, so I'm a little foggy remembering some of the finer details, but I did enjoy yet again another worthwhile challenge.  This is yet another tale of two maps.  I always start a new map with the bottom tier heroes (Veruk, Asra, and Oloch), and I found this one quite challenging.  I couldn't insta-call new waves but had to manage them carefully.  Then as I got into the bottom row heroes things were much easier.  I was able to insta-call every wave, and with the additional experience I now had with the map I wondered if I couldn't redo the lesser heroes with insta-calls.  So I went back and redid the top row of heroes, and with the lone exception of Oloch I was able by and large to insta-call every wave (there are some waves where I end up waiting a second or two because reinforcements are about to come off cooldown, but I still largely consider it an insta-call).

I must say I really liked this map design.  I like the mechanic of the pyramids adding a little confusion to where you think enemies will come out.  I especially liked the boss fight with Sha'tra.  I much preferred that he was using special abilities against us as opposed to us going toe to toe with him in an actual fight, and the tower destruction ability was a nice callback to the final boss fight from Frontiers (although it's not random here and much easier to plan for thankfully).


The grades are pretty standard and unsurprising here after the shakeup we had with the previous map.  Jun'pai and Grosh did earn 'B's among the bottom row heroes unfortunately, but then this is a pretty challenging map.  We're still waiting to see if they can throw a map at us that can challenge our true heavy hitters though.

Final Grades

  • Veruk - C
  • Asra - C
  • Oloch - C
  • Margosa - B
  • Mortemis - C
  • Tramin - B
  • Jigou - B
  • Beresad - A
  • Doom Tank SG-11 - A
  • Jun'pai - B
  • Eiskalt - A
  • Murglun - A
  • Dianyun - A
  • Jack O'Lantern - A
  • Grosh - B

Kingdom Rush Alliance Impossible Hero Challenge - 15. The Eyesore Tower Heroic

This was a frustrating one.  My hope was to be able to do it with just the one hero like campaign mode, but it's just ever so slightly o...