Monday, September 23, 2024

Legends of Kingdom Rush Hero Challenge - Reg'son, Sorceress, Bombardier

It's been a while since we've had Legends of Kingdom Rush content, but I'm happy to get back to it.  There's a lot going on right now with my Alliance Impossible Hero Challenge, Skyrim, the new Vengeance DLC, and the upcoming Alliance update, but moving Skyrim to Tuesdays / Thursdays has freed up enough margin to get this one rolling again as well.  I'm pretty close to finishing my planned content for it, so I want to do a strong push to get it all done and off my plate.  We have one more party comp after this one, then I want to put out some achievement videos and a no damage playthrough.  After that I think I'll pretty much be done, and I can pour the margin that frees up back into either Skyrim to get it back on a daily schedule or the new Vengeance DLC, I haven't decided which.

When I was putting together my party comps I deliberately saved both the Bombardier and the Zapper for the melee heroes.  I've made my feelings on melee characters clear in previous posts, and while that stance has softened slightly as I've done this challenge, they still just don't compare to ranged characters.  The two artillery characters, though, are S tier material, so I considered it the safe play to pair them with the melee heroes.  I also saved the two low-damage magical characters as well, figuring it would result in a balanced party overall.

We'll see about Bravebark, but for Reg'son I feel like the end result was quite reasonable.  Reg'son is definitely the best of the melee characters (while this is slightly premature in that I haven't done the series for Bravebark yet, I find it highly doubtful he is going to change this opinion).  He has the mobility that other melee characters so sorely need, and he has somewhat of a high risk, high reward playstyle that I like.  His mobility tempts you to send him deep into enemy territory to get those ranged enemies in the back, but will his kill-based health regen be enough to keep him alive back there?  Will Vicious Lunge land you on that one square out of six that would be total disaster?  Will he survive the next round to make that Eldritch Fury gambit pay off?  This is the kind of RNG-based gameplay that is enjoyable, when you have the choice to take a risk or to play it safe, versus just having RNG thrust upon you (*cough*dice encounters*cough*).

As for the Bombardier, she is the absolute queen of AoE damage in the game.  It's imperative to level her up as soon as possible, but once you do her solid damage output coupled with incredible range allow her to rain death all over the battlefield.  It's also a blast (pun intended) to manipulate enemies with her Big Badaboom! ability.  I've been reflecting on this, and while predictable enemy AI is usually a big negative in a game, in this game it works because it becomes part of the strategy.  It's tremendous fun to bait the next enemy in the turn order to come over and whack the bomb so that it damages not only itself but two other adjacent enemies.

As for the Sorceress, she is definitely more of a support character.  Her low damage output really hinders her viability, and her curse ability doesn't really make up for it.  If the curse did +2 damage instead it would probably make her much more valuable.  Her summoned Golem, who itself has a stun, is her best ability by far, but it's really hard justifying getting her to level 3 over Reg'son and the Bombardier on adventures where you can only get a couple of characters that high.

Really the only complaint I have with this party is that it can have a rough start.  I didn't think about it at the time when I was planning the parties, but I included two characters who only do 2 damage at rank 1 (technically the Sorceress does 2-3, but when planning your moves you always have to assume it's only going to be 2 unless you're forced into a situation where you have to gamble).  Once you get your first XP orb you can give it to the Bombardier which gets her up to 4 damage, after which things get a lot smoother, but if you have bad luck pulling some tough encounters early on things can definitely go south quickly.  I had to restart more than one attempt on some of the adventures due to this.  Still, once you get over that rank 1 hurdle this party generally rolls pretty easily afterwards.

Legends of Kingdom Rush Hero Challenge - Reg'son, Sorceress, Bombardier

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