Monday, September 23, 2024

Kingdom Rush Alliance Impossible Hero Challenge - 7. Bleak Valley Campaign

Act 2 starts out on a bit of a mixed note.  I almost gave out the first grade here.  This map isn't particularly hard, as evidenced that it can be dealt with just by spamming archers everywhere - and let me just say that I really dislike maps where the solution is archer spam.  The only real challenge is through the beginning of wave 4.  Your hero and reinforcements need to contribute enough to keep things under control until your towers get sufficiently upgraded, after which the map largely becomes self working.  The hardest part is when the Corrupted Stalkers from wave 4 start appearing from the left right behind a large stream of Acolytes.  Once you get through this it's largely gravy, although you may have to do a bit of work towards the end with the Twisted Sisters and the Nightmares they spawn.

Raelyn is a good hero, but this one tricky part at the beginning of wave 4 really hits her in her weak spot.  She literally has nothing she can contribute against the Stalkers, and she struggles to take down the Acolytes quickly enough so that the archers can focus on them.  I ended up having to alter my build plan a little, focusing on upgrading the towers along the path the Stalkers take first in order to have the firepower to deal with them.  For this reason I contemplated giving her a 'B', but I relented, as it's a minor build adjustment and things go back to being pretty easy once you make it.  Still, it raises my hopes that we're not far from real grades now.  We'll see what heroic mode can cook up.

Kingdom Rush Alliance Impossible Hero Challenge - 7. Bleak Valley Campaign

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