Monday, November 30, 2020

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Arcane Quarters Heroic

This is a fairly challenging map, with a difficult mix of hordes and bosses, physical resistance and magical resistance.  There's no secret to it besides a good build plan and really good micro.  Getting down the proper timing of Thunderbolts - and to a lesser extent Hero Spells - proved critical.


This is kind of map that I would call "standard hard".  There are no games or tricks, just a lot of difficult waves of enemies with the mixes I listed above.  As such, it sorts our heroes pretty well into their usual rankings, and there isn't much to talk about.  I was a little surprised to give Bravebark a 'B' instead of an 'A', just like I was a little surprised to give Catha a 'B' instead of a 'C'.  Other than that, the grades are largely what you would suspect for a very hard map.

Final Grades

  • Eridan - C
  • Arivan - C
  • Catha - B
  • Reg'son - A
  • Prince Denas - B
  • Razz and Rags - C
  • Bravebark - B
  • Vez'nan - A
  • Xin - B
  • Phoenix - A
  • Durax - A
  • Lynn - A
  • Bruce - B
  • Lilith - A
  • Wilbur - A
  • Faustus - A

Best Choice

Wilbur kind of wins the award by default this time.  He didn't necessarily stand head and shoulders above the 'A' performers, but he still is definitely the best hero to tackle the map with.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Arcane Quarters Campaign

Well, I'm eating my words yet again, as we have yet one more trivial map.  Get the build right and the rest takes care of itself, with anything your hero does just being gravy on top.  By the end I'm upgrading Ashbite just for fun, and never even need to use Beresad.  So huzzah, 'A's for everyone and let's keep going.

I know I've said this before, but I really really believe this will truly be the last one.  As I write this I've actually already finished recording through the Shrine of Elynie map, so I know there are no more in the campaign, and based on my previous experience I do not believe we'll have that issue in any of the bonus maps, even in campaign mode.  So it should all be interesting from here on out.

Kingdom Rush Origins Impossible Hero Challenge - Arcane Quarters Campaign

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - The Ascent Iron

I really like this map - it's very challenging, and it really differentiates the heroes.  That is, you really have to develop a strategy for each hero according to their strengths, as opposed to just letting them sit at your chokepoint the entire time.

The first half of the map is all about fending off hordes of Twilight Harassers (and really, how perfect is that name for them?) and spiders.  The second half then becomes dealing with big enemies like Razorboars and a Twilight Golem, and all this with only ranged towers for DPS.  It presents an interesting challenge for almost every hero - AoE versus tanking, physical damage versus magical damage, etc.


I like maps that feel easy to grade, and this was one of them.  Sometimes I struggle differentiating between 'A's and 'B's or 'B's and 'C's, but the performances here were pretty clear cut.

There are really no surprises with our A performers.  We have our honor roll of Wilbur, Faustus, Phoenix, and Vez'nan, and Reg'son joins them for his endless horde tanking ability plus Vindicator making the Twilight Golem and a few Razorboars non-issues.  I will say that I did hesitate slightly on Vez'nan's 'A'.  In the middle of the enemies there's a large pack on spiders on the south lane, and with his magical damage he did struggle to contain them, but ultimately he performed so amazingly on the rest of the map that it tilted the scales in his favor.

Arivan and Catha join the 'B' team for a pleasant change.  They both struggled with the large enemies at the end a bit, but their abilities did well at containing the hordes in the first half.

The 'C's were somewhat surprising.  I really expected to give Prince Denas, Bruce, and Lilith 'B's going in, but I really struggled with them.  With Denas I know it is just a function of his low DPS - near-endless tanking is great, but if you can't get rid of one wave of enemies before the next appears it doesn't matter much.  Being limited to ranged DPS with high armor enemies didn't do him any favors, either.  As for Bruce and Lilith, I'm starting to realize they're just not as great of characters as I wish they were.  They're not bad, just not good, and their rankings on our report cards are reflecting that.

And of course, it wouldn't be a hard map if Razz and Rags didn't earn a 'C'.  Looking at my grades spreadsheet, he's in serious danger of dropping below a 3.00 GPA.

Final Grades

  • Eridan - C
  • Arivan - B
  • Catha - B
  • Reg'son - A
  • Prince Denas - C
  • Razz and Rags - D
  • Bravebark - B
  • Vez'nan - A
  • Xin - C
  • Phoenix - A
  • Durax - B
  • Lynn - B
  • Bruce - C
  • Lilith - C
  • Wilbur - A
  • Faustus - A

Best Choice

Despite not being able to tank the Razorboars or Twilight Golem, Phoenix's AoE DPS is just so amazing that she made quick work of this map.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - The Ascent Heroic

Again we have a heroic mode that's just a slightly harder remix of the campaign mode.  Given how easy the campaign mode was, "slightly harder" doesn't mean a lot, so everyone comes out with either 'A's or 'B's here.  There weren't really any surprises in who were the 'B' students, so again we'll skip impressions and go straight to the grades.

Final Grades

  • Eridan - B
  • Arivan - B
  • Catha - B
  • Reg'son - A
  • Prince Denas - A
  • Razz and Rags - B
  • Bravebark - A
  • Vez'nan - A
  • Xin - B
  • Phoenix - A
  • Durax - A
  • Lynn - B
  • Bruce - B
  • Lilith - A
  • Wilbur - A
  • Faustus - A

Best Choice

It feels like it's been a while since Wilbur took the top spot, but he does so here in convincing fashion.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - The Ascent Campaign

I was hoping that after finishing the enchanted forest section we would well and truly be done with trivial maps, and so far I'm mostly right.  This map was pretty easy regardless of hero, but our bottom two performers, Catha and Razz, did noticeably struggle a little bit more than our 'A' students.  They still did okay, so they do get 'B's, but it does save us from having another trivial all-A map.  There's really not much to say otherwise so we'll skip the impressions this time and go straight to the grades.

Final Grades

  • Eridan - A
  • Arivan - A
  • Catha - B
  • Reg'son - A
  • Prince Denas - A
  • Razz and Rags - B
  • Bravebark - A
  • Vez'nan - A
  • Xin - A
  • Phoenix - A
  • Durax - A
  • Lynn - A
  • Bruce - A
  • Lilith - A
  • Wilbur - A
  • Faustus - A

Best Choice

There were a lot of great performers for this map, making it too difficult to choose a clear winner.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The Road Ahead

I'd like to indulge myself for a moment by imagining that there's anyone who actually reads this blog or cares about my YouTube channel and talk about the road ahead.  I know there actually isn't, so this post will just be a way for me to put my thoughts down in writing.  Having just finished a milestone in my Kingdom Rush Origins Impossible Hero Challenge, I figure this is a good time to do so.

The Past

Let's start by talking about the games I've already done, because some things are not yet complete:
  • I want to do a 2nd quest video for Castlevania analogous to my first one.  There are a few secrets in the 2nd quest that aren't in the first, and the 2nd quest is obviously a lot harder, so I feel it is video-worthy.  If you recall my original post on the game, I talked about doing a speed run.  However, in the time since then I've realized that speed runs are just not my thing.  I'm a 100% kind of guy.  I may still try to do a high score run, we'll see.
  • I pinky swear I really will finish my Baldur's Gate walkthrough at some point.  I love BG, but an issue I have with really large RPGs is that I need to be in the right mood for them in order to maintain momentum and keep going.  Once I lose momentum, it can be hard to get it back.  I don't remember what distracted me originally.  It may have just been fatigue with the game (I actually have several more videos that I completed but just haven't uploaded because they need editing).  But fear not, at some point I will get that itch in the back of my mind that will propel me back into the game.
  • The only thing I still have to do for Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession is update my gameplay guide with new copies of the maps.  On this playthrough I did a much neater job of annotating the maps, and I'd like to put those better images into the guide.
  • Now let's talk all things Kingdom Rush:
    • I'm still loving my Impossible Hero Challenge.  I was worried that I was going to lose steam at some point (see the momentum problem I talked about above), but I'm actually still quite jazzed.  In terms of recording videos I'm actually working on the Shrine of Elynie, and I'm excited to finish that and start working on the bonus maps, which I know will really put our heroes to the test.
    • I would like to do a Veteran Hero Challenge (since there is no "impossible" difficulty) for both Kingdom Rush and Kingdom Rush Frontiers as well.  However, this is probably going to be way down the line.  Let me admit something: my Impossible Hero Challenge series really was born from a sense of guilt.  You see, when I did my walkthrough series for the game, I chose the hero best suited for the map.  However, on Steam you get all the heroes when you purchase the game versus mobile where only the first three are available and you have to purchase the others.  I know there are people on YouTube doing walkthroughs for the game using just the free heroes, and that put an uncomfortable itch in my brain that I wasn't truly one hundred-percenting the game by using the better, non-free heroes.  So I decided I wanted to go back and do the maps with the free heroes, and then the idea hit me for this series of doing all the heroes and ranking them.  I still have that itch for both KR and KRF since I did the same with those walkthroughs.  However, doing a video series like this is a huge commitment (for Origins I will ultimately do 1,104 videos - 23 maps x 3 modes x 16 heroes).  The thought of tackling that for two more games is enough to keep the itch at bay for now.
    • Kingdom Rush Vengeance is out on Steam now.  However, I have steadfastly avoided the temptation to purchase it yet.  I know the moment I do that I will switch over to it and have a hard time ever getting back to Origins.  So I am waiting until I finish my Impossible Hero Challenge before moving on.
    • I really want / need to update my gameplay guides for all three games.  However, doing so is just never as exciting as actually playing the games, so it's a matter of pushing myself to do so.

The Present

I've got a few things in the works right now:
  • Having completed Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession, I decided to go ahead and tackle the sequel - Ravenloft: The Stone Prophet.  This one is going to take a while, however.  I've only played about half of the game prior to this (it's just not as good as Strahd's Possession and I lost interest before finishing).  I need to do a first playthrough to figure everything out for an optimal walkthrough, then go back and actually record a walkthrough.  It will probably be a couple of months.
  • Just as the Halloween season inspired me to get back into Ravenloft, it also inspired me to go back and play Limbo.  I'm currently working on a no-death, all secrets run.  I just need a little more practice before I start recording my attempts, and then of course it's a matter of actually making that perfect no-death run.

The Future

I certainly have many games in mind that I want to do - so many that I somewhat despair of ever actually getting to them all.  For this section I'm going to limit myself to games and series I've already played before.  I'm not sure what order I'll do them in, so I'm going to group games by genre:
  • First let's talk RPGs:
    • I'm a big fan of the old SSI AD&D games, and I definitely want to do their Darksun series: Shattered Lands and Wake of the Ravager.  Shattered Lands is one of my favorite RPGs of all time.
    • Speaking of AD&D, after I finish BG1 (I promise!) I absolutely want to do BG2 as well.
    • Of course no old games channel would be complete without the Ultima series.  I haven't played every single one, but I definitely want to do 1-7 and both Ultima Underworld games.  I'll probably do 8 as well.  I don't know if I'll have the stomach to do 9 - for those who don't know, it's the equivalent of the Star Wars prequels for Ultima.  I'd ideally like to include the two Worlds of Ultima games (Martian Dreams and Savage Empire), but that may have to wait.  I have no plans to do any of the console games - whether ports or originals.
    • I'm a huge fan of the Quest for Glory series.  I've never played 5, but I have completed all the others, so definitely expect 1-4 and eventually one day 5 as well.
    • There's a nearly-forgotten old game called The Summoning that I absolutely adore.  It's an old-school isometric action RPG, and it's fantastic.  It was made by a company called Event Horizon, which later became DreamForge and made the two Ravenloft games.  It's actually a semi-sequel to an earlier game called Darkspyre.  I'd like to try to play that one first, but we'll see.
    • I've only ever played Lands of Lore 1, not 2 or 3, but I would like to do a video for it.  It's an interesting entry in the history of CRPGs - noteworthy, but not game-changing by any means.  I'll have to see if I'm inspired to try 2 and 3 afterwards.
    • I'm interested in doing playthroughs of the original Diablo now that it's out on GOG.  However, I will admit this is low on my priority list.  I'm not sure how well a randomly generated hack and slash dungeon crawler would do as a video series.
  • Now let's talk about simulation games:
    • Most all D&D games made back in the 80s and 90s were made for the AD&D rules.  Very few were made for the Basic D&D rule set.  However, there's an obscure old game called Stronghold (not the better known Stronghold game from 2001) that was that I'd like to do.  It's not an RPG, but a 4X kind of game, but from way before modern 4X conventions.  As such, it has a certain charm in how laughably awful its interface is.  Nevertheless, I've spent many pleasurable hours with it, and I'd love to keep its memory alive. 
    • Warcraft 1 and 2 are available on GOG now, so I'm planning to do series for them.
    • I'm toying with the idea of doing the original MicroProse X-Com games - at least the first two.  I've only ever played Terror From the Deep, but if you don't know, it's largely just a re-skin of the original UFO Defense.  I have no interest in the few other games made after that, but I would like to do the 2012 Firaxis X-Com as well.  It is perhaps the best example ever of a remake of a game that captures the heart and spirit of the original while improving on it in every way.
    • Speaking of MicroProse, they also published the very excellent games Master of Orion and Master of Magic.  The Master of Orion series is well remembered, as evidenced by the 2016 remake.  Master of Magic seems to have become a game that time forgot, however, even though it is just as good as - or arguably better than - Orion.  I'm not sure how well these games would do as videos, but I'm at least keeping them in mind.
    • I played an old strategy game named Warlords 2 back in the day.  It probably wouldn't make for good videos, but it's one of those games I might do just for fun at some point.
  • I'd also like to stroll down the history of FPSes as well:
    • The original Wolfenstein 3D and its sequel, Spear of Destiny are definitely on my list.
    • How could I do classic FPS games and not do Doom 1 and 2?  I have so many fond memories of Doom deathmatches with my friends from my teenage years.
    • Half Life 1.  Enough said.
    • My favorite FPS games of all time, however, are Serious Sam The First Encounter and The Second Encounter.  I don't have the time to go into why I love them so much here, but as far as I'm concerned, this is the height of FPS glory.
  • And now miscellaneous PC games:
    • Star Control 2 is one of the most fun and best written games of all time.  The story is serious, but at the same time it's possibly the funniest game ever made.
    • Long before the modern Magic the Gathering games, there was originally the 1997 MicroProse game which took place in the world of Shandalar.  It was quirky, to be sure, but I have great nostalgia for it.
    • Raptor: Call of the Shadows was a vertical-scrolling shooter from the 90s.  Not particularly memorable, but I did have fun with it back in the day and might do it just for fun.
    • Plants vs Zombies
    • Portal 1 and 2.
  • This blog started out with a NES game, and I haven't forgotten them.  I need to get an El Gato to record from my NES Classic first, though, so it may be a while.  There are other games not on the Classic I want to do as well.  Here is the complete list I plan to (eventually) do:
    • Castlevania 2 and 3
    • Contra and Super C
    • Final Fantasy
    • Gauntlet
    • Ghosts 'n Goblins
    • Gradius
    • Kid Icarus
    • The Legend of Zelda 1 and 2
    • Marble Madness
    • The Mega Man series
    • Metal Gear
    • Metroid
    • The Ninja Gaiden series
    • Punch-Out!! (I'd do the original Mike Tyson version if I could)
    • R.C. Pro-Am
    • Shadowgate
    • Super Mario Bros. 1, 2 and 3

The Far Future

I feel like just doing the games above that I've already played will take the rest of my life, but there are so many more classic games I want to play as well.  I'll just have to see if I ever get to them:
  • There are several classic D&D games I still haven't played:
    • Planescape: Torment
    • Icewind Dale 1 and 2
    • The Gold Box series
    • The Eye of the Beholder series
    • Other miscellaneous Forgotten Realms games
    • The various DragonLance games
  • I've always been interested in the Might and Magic series.  A friend in high school got really into them and I watched him playing them some, and they always looked like solid RPGs.
  • MicroProse produced a game named Darklands that has somewhat been forgotten, but those who know it hail it as one of the best games of all time.
  • I did technically play King's Quest 2 when I was a little kid, but I had no idea what I was doing.  I do love classic point and click adventure games though, so I'd love to do the whole series.
  • There was a lesser known RPG series named Castle of The Winds.  History has not remembered it well, probably because it had the oddity of being a Windows 3.1 game, but I had a friend in high school who played it a lot and liked it.  I'm all for rescuing the memory of old games.
  • Besides the original NES Final Fantasy, I've never played any other games in the series (yeah, I know), but I've always been interested in them.
This list is by no means complete - my GOG and Steam wishlists are much, much longer than this - but I feel I have to exercise some restraint and list only my highest priorities.

Great Games, But Not in the Cards

There are some games which I love unreservedly, but have no plans to do videos for:
  • I'm a huge fan of the Borderlands series, but I have no desire to play them all over again.  It takes so long to 100% even one character, it would take years to do just 1 and 2.
  • I love Skyrim as much as anybody, but I highly doubt anyone would be interested in watching my hard core OCD way of playing it.  I might change my mind on this one, we'll see.  On that note, however, this is the only Elder Scrolls game I've played, and I'd really like to do 1 through 4.  1 and 2 might be more amenable to doing videos for.

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Mid-term Report Card 2

Having finished the faery forest it's time once again for a report card.  Let's look at the tallies and see how things have shuffled around:

  • Wilbur - 4.00
  • Faustus - 4.00
  • Phoenix - 4.00
  • Vez'nan - 3.91
  • Bravebark - 3.82
  • Durax - 3.76
  • Reg'son - 3.55
  • Lynn - 3.55
  • Prince Denas - 3.52
  • Lilith - 3.52
  • Xin - 3.48
  • Bruce - 3.42
  • Eridan - 3.39
  • Arivan - 3.39
  • Catha - 3.30
  • Razz and Rags - 3.12
Our three true damage dealers retain their straight-A streak, but Vez'nan's streak of perfection came to an end on the Neverwonder map, where the heavy doses of magic-resistant enemies proved too much for him.  Bravebark and Durax swap the 5 and 6 positions with each other, but remain within 0.06 of each other, as in the last report card.

While Reg'son's GPA only improved by 0.16, he nevertheless leaps way up in the rankings, going from third to last to being in the top 50%.  This isn't surprising, as mushrooms and Bandersnatches are particular specialties of his, and he grabbed no less than three Best Choice awards in this section.  Lynn joins him in jumping up from 13th to 8th.  As the enemies get bigger her strengths come more into play.

Prince Denas, Lilith, and Xin maintain their middle-of-the-pack rankings, but Arivan plunged from 9th to 14th.  There were a lot of maps he really struggled with on this go-round, generally due to his low DPS despite being a true damage dealer.  I have a bad feeling it bodes poorly for him in the second half of this series.

Bruce sadly maintains his spot in the 12th position.  I'm really hoping in the next section - with its heavy emphasis on large enemies like Razorboars and Twilight Golems - that we'll see him shine and move up the rankings.

The usual suspects round out the bottom of the rankings, but whereas Catha and Razz and Rags tied for last place on the last report card, Razz's GPA really plummeted and he unquestionably takes the distinction of worst hero here.  Catha struggles with very low DPS, but her Hero Spell is quite good and has a short cooldown.  Razz, however, has even worse DPS (the lowest of any hero), poor survivability, and Changeling is a very hard Hero Spell to find good use for.  While the idea of turning two large packs of enemies against each other and having them destroy one another sounds fun, the reality is that those kinds of scenarios are few and far between.  Usually the best use you can make for Changeling is just stalling a pack of enemies for a few seconds, which pales compared to all the other Hero Spells.

In terms of the maps themselves, we only had four trivial 'A' maps in this section, which was a nice change of pace from the first round of maps.  The hardest map turned out to be The Unseelie Court heroic, with an average score of 2.88 - almost rivaling Royal Gardens iron in terms of difficulty.

The next section of the game is only four maps long, but they're hard ones and have a different dynamic from a lot of the maps we've done so far, so I'm interested to see if or how the rankings shake up.  With eleven maps behind us and only four maps before us that's not a lot of chances to significantly change a hero's average GPA, but considering we're still only talking about 0.88 between the top and bottom, it doesn't necessarily take a lot to change the rankings - especially in the middle of the pack where the separation is very small..

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - The Unseelie Court Iron

I love maps like this that are different and a little less serious than normal.  This map does pose a bit of an initial challenge because it's different, but ultimately it's fairly easy and fun.  I feel like they made it a reward for finishing this stage of the campaign.  Castle Blackburn iron mode in the original Kingdom Rush was much like this with the flying sheep.

The bunnies are meant to throw you off initially.  Since heroes without a ranged attack can't hit them (aside from perhaps some special abilities) you're in for a shock if you initially go in with someone like Reg'son or Prince Denas, expecting to need tanking ability.  Ultimately though it's pretty easy to put together a self-working build that can take care of them even if you're hero can't contribute.  The real challenge of this map comes at the end with four Twilight Avengers at once.


There's not a ton to say in terms of impressions.  The map ultimately just isn't that hard (especially after the campaign and heroic modes), so no one did worse than a 'B'.  'A' versus 'B' largely came down to two factors: can the hero contribute to dealing with the bunnies and how well can they handle the four Twilight Avengers at the end?

Final Grades

  • Eridan - B
  • Arivan - B
  • Catha - B
  • Reg'son - B
  • Prince Denas - B
  • Razz and Rags - B
  • Bravebark - A
  • Vez'nan - A
  • Xin - B
  • Phoenix - A
  • Durax - B
  • Lynn - B
  • Bruce - B
  • Lilith - A
  • Wilbur - A
  • Faustus - A

Best Choice

I'm declaring this a tie between Vez'nan and Phoenix.  Phoenix as always brings the amazing AoE that just annihilates the bunnies, and her DPS plus special abilities take down the Avengers without much problem.  Vez'nan does a great job thinning out the bunny hordes, and all you have to do is save Dark Pact for the Avengers at the end.  Between the demon and his special abilities they crumble easily.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - The Unseelie Court Heroic

Ugh, this map was hard in every respect - hard to perfect the build plan, hard to perfect the micro, and, because of all the other difficulties, hard to grade as well.

I usually don't go into too much detail on the map strategy in these posts, as I feel the videos mostly speak for themselves in that regard, but I feel this map deserves it.  The design here is downright evil.

First, you have the issue that many of the enemies you face have high armor - Twilight Harassers, Twilight Avengers, and Satyr Hoplites.  This tempts you to go heavy on magic towers in your build plan, but the problem comes in wave 5, when - along with a Bandersnatch of course - you get several spiders.  If you solely have magic towers then you're going to be in a world of hurt, because you need to take the spiders out as quickly as possible so they don't distract from taking care of the Bandersnatch.

The key is to realize that the armored enemies only ever come from the right side of the map - never the top lane.  Thus, instead of building our two chokepoints on the exit lanes as in the campaign mode, the second chokepoint goes in the middle of the map where the two lanes from the right converge.  This allows you to build a ranged tower up top to take care of the top lane and a magic tower at the second chokepoint for all the armor.  It also has the side benefit of stalling enemies longer within the range of the gnome house, giving a greater chance of a bunny polymorph, which can really help out.

Figuring all that out took a lot of work on my part, but that's the easiest part of this map.  The next difficulty comes in wave 3 with the mushrooms.  The key here is you absolutely cannot let the Fungus Breeders turn any Boomshrooms into Munchshrooms.  Holding off the hordes of Munchshrooms is hard enough as it is - any extra and it's probably game over.  And as tempting as it is to use Thunderbolt, you can't use it too late as you need it for the next wave.

And yet that's not even the hardest part of the map.  The hardest part is wave 4, where three sets of Gloomies come from both lanes on the right.  They come too close together to Thunderbolt all three of them, and you only get a Venom Vine on the bottom path.  The only viable solution I found here was to Thunderbolt the first set once they converge, then use reinforcements on the top right lane and the Venom Vine on the bottom right lane for the second set, then call the next wave early to use Thunderbolt again on the final set.  Sounds easy, but there's a lot that can go wrong.  It's very easy to get bad RNG on the second set of Gloomies, and despite your best efforts too many survive.  This is to say nothing of the Redcaps and Twilight Avengers you'll be dealing with, which can easily plow through your defenses since you're committing your reinforcements elsewhere to dealing with the Gloomies.  Then you have the issue that when you call the next wave early, you immediately get a Bandersnatch when your blockers are probably already in bad shape from the Avengers and Redcaps.

The bottom line is that your micro needs to be near perfect on this map, and even with an ideal hero you still need some good RNG - or at least not bad RNG.  That makes grading the heroes a difficult job, since our 'D' grade by definition is needing good RNG to get through the map.  If I wanted to really be a stickler, I would only give out 'A's and 'D's for this map, but I felt the situation was more subtle than that.  Having a hero whose Hero Spell is a backup for dealing with the Gloomies is a big deal, and even for some heroes who don't, their overall abilities are so good at dealing with the other elements of the map that they free you up to play really good micro.


Our usual 'A' students show up here.  With Vez'nan I even had a couple of misplays during my recording and he still managed to get the job done.  Lynn has the honor of joining them for this map as well.  Fate Sealed does wonders on Gloomy packs, and of course she can tank both mushrooms and Bandersnatches very well.

Durax is a good example of the kind of hero I talked about above.  Even though his Hero Spell can't affect the Gloomies, his ability to be multiple places at once provides the blocking you so desperately need to make sure you're playing your reinforcements and Venom Vine well in dealing with the Gloomies.

Reg'son is another example.  I really wanted to give him an 'A' for this map, but couldn't quite justify it.  Vindicator is useless against Gloomies, but it works wonders against the Avengers and Bandersnatch discussed above.  And of course he's amazing at dealing with all the mushrooms.  The net effect is that he drastically lowers the amount of RNG you need with the map.  Ultimately however he's just not quite as good as our 'A' students.

Razz and Rags end up wearing the dunce cap by themselves again here.  They just don't have the DPS or survivability to handle the enemy mix on this map, and opportunities to put Changeling to really good use are few.  You're going to need the gnome house to turn a few enemies into bunnies for you, as well as just really great RNG all around otherwise.

Final Grades

  • Eridan - C
  • Arivan - B
  • Catha - B
  • Reg'son - B
  • Prince Denas - B
  • Razz and Rags - D
  • Bravebark - C
  • Vez'nan - A
  • Xin - C
  • Phoenix - A
  • Durax - B
  • Lynn - A
  • Bruce - C
  • Lilith - C
  • Wilbur - A
  • Faustus - A

Best Choice

As always, Phoenix's AoE abilities come to the rescue.  They make short work of both mushrooms and Gloomies, as well as all the other enemies, which frees up your blockers to take on Bandersnatches undistracted.

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - The Unseelie Court Campaign

The final campaign mode of the faery forest section is challenging, but not in regards to your hero choice.  It's really just about having a solid build plan.  This is doubly true at the end, since Malicia can one- or two-hit your hero, so their abilities besides their Hero Spell are largely irrelevant at that point.

This is an interesting phenomenon in the game that I wish I understood better.  Some maps are hard, but yet your choice of hero has little effect on the difficulty.  Then there are other maps like Royal Gardens iron that are hard and your choice of hero has a huge impact on the difficulty.  In any case this map is one of the former.


I only handed out four 'B's, and the only surprising one was Lilith.  As always, that might have been due to some bad RNG, and also possibly because she's the third hero I use and I was still perfecting my build order and micro.  Other than that there's not much to say.

Final Grades

  • Eridan - B
  • Arivan - B
  • Catha - A
  • Reg'son - A
  • Prince Denas - A
  • Razz and Rags - B
  • Bravebark - A
  • Vez'nan - A
  • Xin - A
  • Phoenix - A
  • Durax - A
  • Lynn - A
  • Bruce - A
  • Lilith - B
  • Wilbur - A
  • Faustus - A

Best Choice

I'm declaring this a tie between Phoenix and Reg'son.  This is very much a "horde" map, and whether Gloomies, mushrooms, or just run of the mill enemies, you know Phoenix is the one to deal with them.  As for Reg'son, he does fantastic with the mushroom sections of the map, which are among the most challenging, and Vindicator of course removes the threat of the Bandersnatches altogether.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Neverwonder Iron

I was legitimately dreading this map, because I knew it would be Royal Gardens iron mode all over again.  Again you're given swarms and swarms of enemies and expected to hold back the tide somehow.  I was fearing this might be my first time to hand out 'F's, and it almost came to it.

I was shocked to discover that magic towers - not artillery - was the way to go on this map.  With hordes of Boomshrooms, artillery seems logical, doesn't it?  But I was getting awful results with it, and only tried magic towers out of frustration, but for whatever reason they just work better here.


This was a rough map, and the grades reflect it.  The average ended up being a mere 3.00 - second worst only to Royal Garden iron's 2.75.

I almost had to give Faustus his first B here.  We'll call it an A-, with emphasis on the minus.  I was on the fence about him, and pretty much not ruining his straight-A streak was what swayed me into giving him an A.

Catha earns the dubious distinction of being the only D here.  I initially wanted to give 'D's to Arivan and Bruce as well, because it was so rough finishing with them, but only with Catha did I have to "cheat" and play the Shroom Game to get extra gold.  It was honestly the only way I found to drag her through.

The crux of this map revolves around the three Fungus Breeders that appear near the mid point.  One comes from the top, and then a few seconds later two appear from the right lanes.  The top one has to be killed completely before the other two arrive, otherwise you risk when the Munchshrooms turn into Boomshrooms on death the other Fungus Breeders turning them right back into Munchshrooms.  If that happens it's pretty much game over, and Catha's DPS is just so bad she had trouble making that happen.  Only by playing the Shroom Game for extra gold and altering my build strategy was I able to make it.

Other than that, Xin and Lilith fell from 'B's to 'C's over the iron mode, while Razz and Rags moved up to a B.  It's still a hard map with him, but there are actually some fantastic opportunities for Changeling on this map.  Everyone else more or less did the same as they have for all of Neverwonder.

Final Grades

  • Eridan - B
  • Arivan - C
  • Catha - D
  • Reg'son - A
  • Prince Denas - B
  • Razz and Rags - B
  • Bravebark - A
  • Vez'nan - B
  • Xin - C
  • Phoenix - A
  • Durax - B
  • Lynn - A
  • Bruce - C
  • Lilith - C
  • Wilbur - A
  • Faustus - A

Best Choice

If you don't want Neverwonder to be a tooth-grinding frustration, whichever mode you're on, then Phoenix is the way to go.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Neverwonder Heroic

So like most heroic modes, this one is just a redux of the campaign mode.  Honestly I think it's slightly easier than the campaign mode, but YMMV.  I didn't play the Shroom Game again - see the campaign mode post for an explanation.


Since it's so much like the campaign mode not a lot changed here.  I was disappointed to have to give Durax a 'B' for this map, however.  Getting through with him requires rather taxing micromanagement of his clones, and even then it's still harder than A-class heroes.

Vez'nan was not able to redeem himself here, pulling another 'B', even though Soul Burn is fantastic for dealing with Fungus Breeders - it prevents them from spawning Munchshrooms on death.

Other than that, Catha improved from a 'C' to a 'B' while Xin went from an 'A' to a 'B', and everybody else did the same as in campaign mode.

Final Grades

  • Eridan - B
  • Arivan - C
  • Catha - B
  • Reg'son - A
  • Prince Denas - A
  • Razz and Rags - C
  • Bravebark - A
  • Vez'nan - B
  • Xin - B
  • Phoenix - A
  • Durax - B
  • Lynn - A
  • Bruce - A
  • Lilith - A
  • Wilbur - A
  • Faustus - A

Best Choice

I'm declaring this a three-way tie between Phoenix, Bravebark, and Reg'son, all of whom absolutely destroyed this map.  Phoenix's AoE abilities again prove priceless in clearing the hordes of mushrooms.  Bravebark's immense health coupled with Springsap means he can just body-block all of the Boomshrooms to oblivion.  In addition, the cooldown of Branchball synergizes perfectly with the appearance of both Fungus Breeders and Twilight Avengers, and as with Vez'nan's Soul Burn, Branchball prevents the Fungus Breeders from spawning Munchshrooms.  As for Reg'son, while Vindicator does not prevent the Fungus Breeder death spawn, his ability to body-block the Boomshrooms and otherwise just never die via Eldritch Heal makes him an excellent choice here too.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - Neverwonder Campaign

So we're finally getting to the part of the game where campaign modes are challenging.  This map is actually extremely challenging until you realize you have to go all-in on the Weirdwoods and their Clobber ability to take out the endless waves of mushrooms.  Once you do that, by the end you have a defense that is mostly self-working regardless of your hero.

You may notice that in none of my videos do I play the Shroom Game to get more gold, which would obviously make the map easier.  I did this because I didn't want the RNG associated with it to affect my impression of how well the heroes do.  Sometimes you get really easy patterns and can play it for ten rounds or more without problem, really raking in the gold, and sometimes you get hard patterns (or just make a mistake), severely reducing your take.  Also, some heroes require more management than others, which takes away from the time you can devote to the game, again affecting gold output.  On a playthrough where I manage to get a lot of gold and get one, two, or even three upgrades ahead in my normal build plan, it might mask the weaknesses of the hero I am using.


They say all good things must come to an end, and for Vez'nan, this unfortunately was the end of his straight-A streak.  He got the job done, hence the 'B', but I just couldn't justify giving him an 'A'.  For one, since he does magic damage it severely limits his usefulness versus the spiders and the Twilight Scourger.  Second, while his kit normally handles hordes of enemies fairly well, it's just not designed for scenarios like this where you have dozens of mushrooms coming at you at once.  Now granted no one's kit is really designed for that except perhaps Phoenix, but most all the other heroes can at least body-block the Boomshrooms to take them out.  Vez'nan will go down in a heartbeat trying to do that.  I knew his streak would end eventually for reasons like this, but I hate to actually see it happen.

This map surprised me at first when it came to grading.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I start with Faustus and work backwards through the list of heroes.  My bottom row took care of business no problem, and I was beginning to think this might be an all-A map again.  But then I ran into serious problems with the top row, starting with Vez'nan losing his straight-A streak.  That was followed by 'C' performances by Arivan, Catha, and Razz and Rags.  Catha and Razz don't surprise me in hindsight, but I was taken aback by the difficulty I had with Arivan on this map.

Final Grades

  • Eridan - B
  • Arivan - C
  • Catha - C
  • Reg'son - A
  • Prince Denas - A
  • Razz and Rags - C
  • Bravebark - A
  • Vez'nan - B
  • Xin - A
  • Phoenix - A
  • Durax - A
  • Lynn - A
  • Bruce - A
  • Lilith - A
  • Wilbur - A
  • Faustus - A

Best Choice

All you need to know is that fire purifies fungus.  Phoenix again takes the top honor for her ability to incinerate the endless hordes of mushrooms.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - The Crystal Lake Iron

This is another one of those maps that is hard, but hard almost regardless of what hero you're using.  Can I just say that Webspitter Spiders having an AoE stun on a 7 second cooldown is grossly unfair?  There's a fair amount that can go wrong here with bad RNG, from too many Gloomies getting past the reinforcements, to the first wave of Webspitters webbing their way right through your defenses.


I had to take an unusual step with the grading on this map.  Every hero gets an 'A' except Razz and Rags.  I feel really bad singling them out like that, but I just couldn't justify giving them an 'A' along with everyone else.  It's the maps fault, though.  The trickiest part is the first pair of Webspitter Spiders that appear from opposite sides.  You need to hold Thunderbolt in reserve to potentially take care of one of the spiders, so the question is if your hero can help take care of the other one (usually via their Hero Spell, since they'll most likely get webbed themselves).  For every other hero that's true - they can damage it, stun it, etc. - but Changeling just doesn't have a great use scenario here.  You can use it as a temporary stun, but that's about it.  As such, I felt compelled to give Razz the "okay, but sub-optimal" tag of a 'B'.

Final Grades

  • Eridan - A
  • Arivan - A
  • Catha - A
  • Reg'son - A
  • Prince Denas - A
  • Razz and Rags - B
  • Bravebark - A
  • Vez'nan - A
  • Xin - A
  • Phoenix - A
  • Durax - A
  • Lynn - A
  • Bruce - A
  • Lilith - A
  • Wilbur - A
  • Faustus - A

Best Choice

Reg'son surprisingly grabs another top spot here.  Vindicator guarantees an instant kill on one of the Webspitters, freeing you up to use Thunderbolt proactively instead of reactively against the other one.  This means you can time it optimally so the slowing effect can help out with any Gloomy leaks, giving your towers time to take them all down.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - The Crystal Lake Heroic

This was a tough map, with a lot of the "back on your heels" feel I talked about in Grimmsburg heroic.  It was difficult to grade as well, as there's a lot that can go wrong even when you're playing right - the Webspitters can slip through by webbing a blocker at just the right time, or the Redcaps can get really good RNG and just mow down your blockers.  Because of the difficulty it also took a lot of practice to get my play right, and I didn't feel like I really had it down until I had done more than half of the heroes.  I almost gave Faustus - the first hero I did it with - a B until I went back at the end and redid my video for him.  With the extra experience I was able to do it much more easily and give him the A that he actually deserves.

The key to this map is recognizing that the left side is primarily armored enemies, while the right is primarily magic-resistant enemies, and then adjusting your strategy based on your hero's strengths.  It also calls for adjusting the build order too, which is something I normally don't think about doing.  But I realized that I needed to change whether I upgraded my ranged tower or magic tower first depending on whether my hero did physical or magical damage.  What damage type they do dictates which exit lane they primarily guard, and so the opposite lane needs the tower that most applies to it.  Anyway, enough with the theorycrafting, on to the grades.


As said, grading was difficult, and there were some 'A's that could have been 'B's, and some 'B's that could have been 'C's.  But in the end I only handed out 'C's to Razz and Prince Denas.  Denas was a little surprising, as I was expecting him to get an easy 'B'.  Having enough blockers is a key concern on this map, so I thought Sworn Defenders would be a great Hero Spell, but I still had a lot of trouble with him.  As always it might have been bad RNG, and maybe he is more of a 'B'.

Razz is, well, Razz, and his 'C' is of course not surprising.  His kit is a bit of "jack of all trades", and I think the developers undertuned him because of it.  And Changeling is officially the hardest Hero Spell to really use well.

On the other end, Reg'son gets another 'A' for his ability to handle the Bandersnatch / horde mixup well.  Durax, Bruce, and Lilith redeem themselves from the very similar Grimmsburg heroic with 'A's, but Lynn is stuck in 'B' territory still.

Final Grades

  • Eridan - B
  • Arivan - B
  • Catha - B
  • Reg'son - A
  • Prince Denas - C
  • Razz and Rags - C
  • Bravebark - A
  • Vez'nan - A
  • Xin - A
  • Phoenix - A
  • Durax - A
  • Lynn - B
  • Bruce - A
  • Lilith - A
  • Wilbur - A
  • Faustus - A

Best Choice

After a brief vacation, Wilbur returns to his spot as default Best Choice hero.  Just park him in between the exit lanes and let him mow down enemies as fast as they appear.

Kingdom Rush Origins (Steam) Impossible Hero Challenge - The Crystal Lake Campaign

I feel a little silly now when I said in my mid-term report card post that I hoped we were past trivial maps.  The fact is campaign mode is always going to be on the easy side.  For one, obviously heroic and iron are designed to be more difficult, and two, you always have access to all upgrades in campaign mode, which lowers the difficulty even more on earlier maps where heroic and iron mode have upgrade level restrictions.

And thus we have another easy A map, where despite the constant stream of Bandersnatches all of our heroes do well in taking them down.  Reg'son earns an honorary Best Choice award, as Vindicator obviously makes the Bandersnatches largely a non-issue.  Also, don't forget that each hit of Eldritch Blade has a 3% chance (fully upgraded) to instant-kill a target.  Over ten hits that's approximately a 26% chance to get one.  I happened to get amazing RNG in my video of him in a section where there are back-to-back Bandersnatches.  I killed the first with Vindicator, and the second one was insta-killed by the first hit of Eldritch Blade.  My troops got to kick back and relax for a good while.

Anyways we press on, and I know heroic and iron modes on this map will give us a descent challenge.

Kingdom Rush Origins Impossible Hero Challenge - The Crystal Lake Campaign

Kingdom Rush Alliance Impossible Hero Challenge - 15. The Eyesore Tower Heroic

This was a frustrating one.  My hope was to be able to do it with just the one hero like campaign mode, but it's just ever so slightly o...