So I feel like I'm in awkward place with this Impossible Hero Challenge. The maps are getting tougher, to be sure, and this one did have a decent challenge. However, the challenge still is more in finding the right build that works for everyone versus really challenging the heroes. I'm having a lot of trouble deciding when to start actually giving grades. It's not that I can't tell a difference between the heroes - there's a world of difference between Veruk and Eiskalt, of course - but it's more distinguishing whether their performances are an 'A+' versus an 'A-' compared to an 'A' versus a 'B'.
I don't think I've talked about it yet in this series, but here were my original interpretations of the grades:
- A - an ideal hero to take on the map with
- B - the hero can get the job done, but they're subpar compared to 'A' heroes
- C - you can win with this hero, but it's going to be hard and painful
- D - you're only going to win with this hero with really good RNG
- F - I wasn't able to complete the map with the hero